Lwr South Valley Council of Govt.
Lower South Valley COG
Chairman, Sam Guesto
of Hanover Twp.
Vice Chairman, Joe Hillan
of Newport Twp.
Secretary, Greg Gulick
of Ashley Borough
Treasurer, Jennifer Polito
of the City of Nanticoke
The Lower South Valley Council of Governments (LSV COG) was officially formed in November of 2015. These municipalities have agreed to form the COG with the goal to improve the quality of life for the residents of the Lower South Valley area. The members of the LSV COG are the City of Nanticoke, Hanover Township, Newport Township, Ashley Borough, Sugar Notch Borough, Plymouth Township, Earth Conservancy, and Plymouth Borough.
Over the past few years the LSV COG has acquired paving equipment through LSA Grants to help reduce the costs of paving streets in the member’s municipalities. The member’s dedicated two of their DPW department workers to be trained on how to use the equipment and have paved many roads with great success. This has been a huge cost savings for the municipalities. That is the first goal that the LSV COG has achieved.
As the LSV COG grows, they will keep moving forward to achieve other goals that they are currently working on and will be a great success.