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Code Enforcement
Jonathan Lang
Ext. 104

A Friendly Reminder to all the Residents of the City of Nanticoke
The Code Department would like to remind all residents that it is your responsibility to keep your property clean and maintained. Lawns must be kept cut on a regular basis and free of garbage, abandoned vehicles and other debris. This is an effort to keep the City of Nanticoke looking good to all the people who live here and to the prospective buyers in the City of Nanticoke. The City’s Code Enforcement is going to be bearing down on property owners who do not adhere to the City’s rules and regulations concerning property maintenance.
Under the direction of management, the Code Department oversees the effective, efficient, fair and safe enforcement of the City’s Building, Housing, Plumbing, Electrical, and Mechanical Codes, along with the Disability Access Regulations. We ensure the Health and Safety of the Public and the Soundness and Habitability of the City's Residential, Industrial and Commercial Structures.
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