2023 Nanticoke News
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Look Back: Happy 98th birthday to the City of Nanticoke
At 10 a.m. on Jan. 4, 1926, the Borough of Nanticoke became the City of Nanticoke.
“Nanticoke with its population of approximately 28,000 inhabitants contained within three and three-quarters square miles, since 1874, a borough, will become a city with the reorganization in the city building of its elected city officials,” the Wilkes-Barre Record reported Jan. 4, 1926.
Nanticoke is derived from Nentego, a Native American tribe that settled along the banks of the Susquehanna River possibly in 1748 where shad was prevalent along with an abundant amount of game in the forests to hunt.
Originally part of Hanover Township, the land was given to Capt. Lazarus Stewart, William Stewart and others for their effort to protect the area for the Susquehanna Company, settlers from Connecticut that spawned the Pennamite-Yankee Wars of 1769-1770 and 1774.
William Stewart divided the land into plots he sold and he also ran a ferry across the river that resulted in the eventual founding of Plymouth.
“The first 136 logs laid out by William Stewart sold for $10 each, and these were located along what is now Spring, Walnut, Pine, Broad, Market, Chestnut and Walter streets,” the Record reported Jan. 4, 1926.
Original settlers of Nanticoke derived their living through cultivating the soil and hunting. Most of the houses were one-story log huts. There was no fuel other than wood. Each householder was constructor of his own furniture. Oxen were used for farming and hauling, the story reported.
“Hunting was especially good in vicinity of Nanticoke as there were ample deer, bear, turkeys, wild pigeons, pheasants, geese, squirrels and beaver. Wolves also were plentiful and the early settlers were obliged to nightly house their stock for protection. The falls in the Susquehanna River below Nanticoke furnished good fishing,” the Record reported.
Records show that in 1796, there were 86 taxable persons in Nanticoke, 58 horses, 111 oxen and 152 cows.
While it is believed coal was first mined in West Nanticoke in 1807, coal had been discovered in Nanticoke a year prior.
“Mining rapidly became one of the principal occupations of Nanticoke residents,” the Record reported.
It was the coal industry that sparked the rapid population growth of Nanticoke during the middle and latter half of the 1800s. Numerous mills also existed along Nanticoke Creek and other waterways.
Nanticoke was incorporated as a borough on Jan. 31, 1874. In 1880, Nanticoke Borough had a population of approximately 3,900 residents that rapidly rose to about 11,000 in 1890. The population continued to rise to about 28,000 when Nanticoke became a city as voted by its residents during the 1923 General Election.
It would be more than two years before the official city status would begin Jan. 4, 1926.
Daniel F. Sakowski was elected as Nanticoke’s first city mayor as he previously held the position as borough burgess, today’s district judge.
Stanley Drapiewski, Stanley Janoski, Frank T. Narkiewicz and Teofil Znaniecki were elected as city councilmen in the 1925 election.
With the official city status, Nanticoke became the third largest city in Luzerne County, behind Wilkes-Barre and Hazleton, with Pittston in the fourth spot.
At the time, Nanticoke boosted in business from nearby boroughs.
“Nanticoke is a magnet that attracts persons for several miles around. Practically, all of Newport Township’s residents purchase most of their articles in Nanticoke stores. The new city also attracts persons located at Hobbie, Dorrance Township, Hunlock Creek district, Lake Silkworth and as far south as Shickshinny,” the Record reported Jan. 4, 1926.
Nanticoke is known today as having one of the toughest streets in the Wyoming Valley to spell: Kosciuszko Street.
Happy 98th birthday Nanticoke.
St. Mary's Closet reopens in Nanticoke to help those in need
Bob Kalinowski – Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — On a recent afternoon, Laniece Robinson prayed with the pastor of St. Faustina Parish at St. Mary’s Closet, the church’s free clothing and household goods distribution center.
After a year hiatus, St. Mary’s Closet recently reopened and Robinson couldn’t be more appreciative. She visits to get things for the seven grandchildren she cares for.
“I’m glad it’s back. This was definitely needed,” the 52-year-old said. “There’s a lot of nice clothes here.”
St. Mary’s Closet is located in the basement of the former St. Stanislaus Church at 38 W. Church St., now St. Faustina’s Cultural Center.
In many ways, it resembles a Salvation Army or Goodwill thrift store with rack upon rack of donated clothes, along with household items.
But, they are different in one big way.
“At the Salvation Army and Goodwill, they have to pay. Here, everything is free,” said the Rev. Brian Van Fossen, pastor of St. Faustina.
St. Mary’s Closet is open to those in need on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
On a recent Wednesday, Van Fossen and Robinson shared a lengthy embrace and prayed.
Robinson recalled her introduction to the facility.
“This lady stopped me when I first moved here. My grandson had a small jacket on and said it’s too cold out for such a small jacket and she told me about this place,” said Robinson, a Jersey City, New Jersey, native.
Police investigate man's death off Main Street in Nanticoke; not believed to be suspicious
Bob Kalinowski – Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — Nanticoke police and the Luzerne County Coroner’s Office are investigating the death of a man whose body was found outside an East Main Street property between Kosciuszko and Railroad streets on Wednesday.
“It doesn’t appear to be suspicious at this point,” Nanticoke police Chief Mike Roke said.
Authorities will await toxicology reports before making a final ruling, Roke said.
Greater Nanticoke Area School Board appoints new member, limits tax hike
NANTICOKE — Technically, Greater Nanticoke Area School Board should have been swearing in four people who won in the November election during Thursday’s re-organization meeting: Incumbents Tony Prushinski and Mark Cardone, and newcomers Erika Jacobs and David Vnuk. Yet a fifth person joined them with right hand raised: Chet Beggs. Moments earlier the board had voted to appoint Beggs to fill the seat of Mark O’Connor, who resigned last month.
There was arguably some irony in the scene. Both in the primary and general elections the ballots prepared by the Luzerne County election bureau told voters to pick up to five candidates, yet only four seats were open. The county contends the error was caused by the district, which tells the county how many seats are open in each election. The mix up had no impact as only four people filed paperwork and got on the ballot, and no write-in candidates in the Primary nabbed enough votes to have any claim to being on the November ballot.
After the swearing in the board voted to give Tony Prushinski another year as president, and made Wendy Graves vice-president. Vito DeLuca was kept as solicitor for 2024 with a retainer of $29,000. After that meeting was adjourned, the board immediately started its regular monthly meeting.
The relatively light agenda included accepting the resignation of head football coach Ron Bruza Jr., who was thanked and praised by several board members, and voting to keep any 2023-24 tax increase at or below a state set limit.
The tax limit is known as the Act 1 Index and can vary year to year and among districts. This year’s index is higher than usual, with Greater Nanticoke’s set at 8.1% — compared to 6.2% last year and 5.1% the year before.
It’s important to stress — as did Prushinski and business consultant Tom Melone — that the vote does not mean taxes will go up. Both Melone and Superintendent Ron Grevera said they expect there will no tax increase or a minimal increase. Melone noted the district is in good financial shape, with a fund balance expected to be around $6.6 million when the latest audit is completed. He said that’s the highest its been since 2014-15, and that it has grown substantially from the $2.1 million the district had in 2020-21.
Districts that vote to stay within the limit earlier in the year have until the end of May to finish and approve a preliminary budget.Districts that want to exceed the index must either get voter approval through a Primary election referendum, or get approval from the state for a narrow list of reasons for such an exemption. If a district wants to exceed the limit, it must have a preliminary budget completed in February.
The board also:
• Voted to seek bids and quotes for replacement of a hot water storage tank in the Elementary and Educational Center.
• Approved the purchase of a plow for the Gator vehicle at a cost of $4,300 from C&S Auto and Truck Shop. the deal is through the state Co-stars program, which let’s districts purchase items at a prices already negotiated by the state.
• Approved an a agreement with Albert B. Melone Co. to continue serving as business consultant through Dec. 1, 2024 at a cost of $89,300.
• Appointed Angela Millikin as cleaner, Brandyn Burns as English Language Development department chair and Betsy Graham as lead cafeteria worker.
ConvenientCare now open for patients and members in Nanticoke
Geisinger’s ConvenientCare Nanticoke, at 128 East Main St., is now open.
NANTICOKE — Kathy Lloyd, associate vice president of regional operations and ConvenientCare at Geisinger, on Thursday said the staff at ConvenientCare Nanticoke offers patients in Luzerne County another option for walk-in care when they need it most.
“This clinic brings more urgent care services closer to home for county residents,” Lloyd said.
Lloyd said expanding services to better care for the region, Geisinger has opened ConvenientCare Nanticoke at 128 East Main St., offering walk-in care for patients and members in Luzerne County.
Lloyd said ConvenientCare provides urgent care services, including physicals, immunizations and treatment for common illnesses.
“It’s the best place to go for minor health issues that can be resolved in a single visit, including cold and flu symptoms, allergies, earaches, urinary infections, tick removal, sprains, strains and minor cuts,” Lloyd said. “No appointments are necessary, and care is available to anyone 12 months and older.”
ConvenientCare Nanticoke is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Walk-ins are accepted until 7:45 p.m. Monday through Friday and until 5:45 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Call ConvenientCare Nanticoke at — 570-258-1810. Check wait times or use online check-in to hold your place in line by visiting geisinger.org/urgent.
Salt & Pepper Pub in Nanticoke closed temporarily
NANTICOKE — The Salt & Pepper Pub on North Market Street in Nanticoke has temporarily closed.
The announcement was made on the restaurant’s Facebook page:
“We regret to announce that Salt & Pepper Pub will be temporarily closed, we are unsure of what the future will hold for our location sadly due to a lack of business.
“With that being said, for those amazing guests that did come and support us, we want to truly thank you for your business!”
The posting lists a phone number — 570-822-2992 — for people to call with questions or concerns.
The Friedman Hospitality Group purchased the former Giuseppe’s in late 2021, then re-branded and re-opened it as a fine dining venue called Grico’s South, echoing the name of another Friedman property in Exeter.
When that failed, the property was rebranded again, re-opening in the spring of this year as the Salt & Pepper Pub.
“We found that fine dining was not getting the support we expected at that location,” owner Rob Friedman said in February of this year. “So we decided to go in a completely different direction and open a pub with a new menu.”
Friedman said all key employees will be placed at other Friedman Hospitality group restaurants: The Beaumont Inn, Dallas; Fire & Ice, Shavertown; Kevin’s, Kingston; Grico’s, Exeter; Cork, Wilkes-Barre; The Greens at Irem Clubhouse, Dallas; Bank+Vine, Wilkes-Barre; Rikasa, Pittston.
“We’re considering all options,” Friedman said. “But I’m not sure yet what the plan will be for Salt & Pepper. You don’t hit home runs all the time. This one just never got off the ground.”
Nanticoke OKs 2024 budget, swears in new officer, and more
NANTICOKE — City council at Wednesday’s monthly meeting gave final approval for the 2024 budget, which will mean an increase in trash and recycling fees for residents.
Council members who were present voted unanimously on second reading to raise garbage refuse fees from $258 to $415 per year.
Council member Lesley Butczynski and City Manager Donna Wall were excused from the meeting.
If a resident pays the fee in full by Jan. 31, the fee would be discounted to $395. There also would be an option to pay in three installments of $138.33.
Accounts that do not pay in full or pay the first installment by Jan. 31 would be considered delinquent, the fee would increase to $456.50, and they would no longer be eligible for installment payments.
The maximum amount of four bags per collection will remain.
The increase spurred much debate during the Nov. 15 meeting, at which council approved a $1.5 million bid from JP Mascaro and Sons for trash, recycling and yard waste collection beginning in 2024 and ending in 2026, with the option of extending the contract for two additional one-year periods thereafter.
There will also be a slight increase in real estate taxes in 2024. The budget created by Mayor Kevin Coughlin will have a 1 mill increase, bringing the millage to 6.9258.
A mill is $1 for every $1,000 in assessed property, and 1 mill would equate to $100 more annually for a property assessed at $100,000.
The earned income tax rate will stay at 2.25% and sewer fees will remain at $125 per year.
Other action
Also at the meeting:
• Council approved the appointment of Lee Wompierski to the City of Nanticoke General Municipal Authority to fill the seat vacated on Oct. 23 by Xavier Berzanski because he relocated his primary residence to a different municipality.
• Coughlin swore in Joseph Sauers as a new full-time police officer.
• Fire Chief Mark Boncal announced the results of the city’s Fire Insurance Rating test, which was conducted in October by the Insurance Services Office (ISO). Nanticoke received a score of 4 out of 10 — with 1 being the best and 10 being the worst — which is the rating it held previously.
The Fire Insurance Rating test is conduced every five years to assess the quality of the equipment and training of a fire department.
• Boncal also gave an update on when Nanticoke can expect to receive the two new fire trucks it previously purchased, with a tentative delivery date being pushed to the end of 2025.
According to Council President William Brown, the new equipment is valued at approximately $2 million. Boncal added that with these updates, all of the apparatuses in the fire department will be under 20 years of age for the first time.
• Council approved the resignation of Code Enforcement Officer James Kairo, effective Dec. 1, 2023.
• Council voted to amend the Non-Uniformed Pension 2024 MMO from $89,472 to $89,551.
The next council meeting is scheduled for Dec. 20 at 7 p.m.
Officials seek to clarify announcement of $56M in funding for Luzerne County
A Monday release issued by state Rep. Alec Ryncavage announcing $56 million in funding for Luzerne County infrastructure projects took some county officials by surprise because it is not a new monetary award.
County Manager Romilda Crocamo issued a statement to council Tuesday addressing the matter. She did not reference Ryncavage in any way but pointed to media coverage that has “created some confusion.”
Ryncavage, meanwhile, sought to clarify any confusion on Tuesday by explaining the release and the underlying funding process.
Crocamo said a news report projected the funding announcement “as new resources for county projects,” but the funding already had been secured through the Luzerne County Public Infrastructure Program that was put in place by the state’s passage of Act 24 of 2021 and the actions of both county council and the county Redevelopment Authority.
County Councilman Tim McGinley said he read the legislator’s release Tuesday morning and had concerns.
“It’s a little bit of misinformation because the money cited for the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge was already part of the decisions and work of the state legislature and county council last year,” McGinley said. “This whole funding plan has been a process completed last year.”
Ryncavage, R-Plymouth, said the release went out because he is continuing support of projects that had been initiated before he took office in January.
He supplied a communication his office sent to a state oversight authority earlier this month recommending authorization of the selected projects.
“I want to see them get past the finish line and continue to support them,” Ryncavage said.
Background on funding
Council voted a year ago, in November 2022, to provide a loan guarantee needed to create the new fund to pay for county-owned infrastructure projects, including work addressing the deteriorated Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge over the Susquehanna River.
Under legislation pushed by former state Sen. John Yudichak, this loan will be repaid with $3 million provided annually for 25 years from the casino-gambling Local Share Account (LSA). As required in the legislation, the county redevelopment authority handled the borrowing.
A council majority had voted to provide the loan guarantee, in the unlikely event casino revenue ceases, because the redevelopment authority agreed to limit use of the borrowed funds to county-owned infrastructure.
The redevelopment authority formally closed on the loan in November, officials have said.
With that step executed, the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) voted at that time to start releasing the annual $3 million in funds. The financing authority is a state entity that already approves other LSA awards that are not part of this special program.
Council identified replacement of the county-owned Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge over the Susquehanna River as the main project to be funded through this infrastructure fund. Officials from Nanticoke and Newport and Plymouth townships had attended county meetings urging support for the project.
Ryncavage explains process
Ryncavage said securing approval at the state level was the next required step to get money to the council-approved projects.
“These are state dollars, not county dollars. If the CFA doesn’t approve these projects, the county has no ability to move forward with construction,” Ryncavage said.
At the CFA’s Nov. 21 meeting, the projects were approved at his request, Ryncavage said. His support was required as a new legislator to continue the work started a year ago, he said.
The process works by the county submitting a list of projects through the Redevelopment Authority for funding by the state through the CFA, Ryncavage said. The money the county government uses to leverage against their debt/bonds is revenue collected by the state, he said.
“While the process began over a year ago to examine reconstructing the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge, it remains a priority of mine,” Ryncavage said. “This bridge is crucial for keeping emergency response times low and positioning the area for future economic development and tax base growth.”
Bridge, roads in focus
The county redevelopment authority board last week approved the first project payment from the new county infrastructure fund — $33,605 to Alfred Benesch and Associates toward its engineering study to determine the best and most economical option for the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge.
Benesch recently recommended rehabilitation and partial replacement of the existing Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge for approximately $39.6 million instead of constructing a new bridge at an estimated cost of $64 million.
Ultimately county officials will make the final decision on how to proceed. Council and the administration are reviewing a thick report intended to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the options, Benesch has said.
The bridge carries Lower Broadway Street over the Susquehanna to connect Nanticoke and the West Nanticoke section of Plymouth Township.
Council also had agreed it would complete several other county-owned road projects if funding is available after the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge is addressed.
These other projects as previously approved by council, along with the projected costs: Main Road in Hunlock and Ross townships, $1 million; Lower Demunds Road and Upper Demunds Road in Dallas and Franklin townships, $650,000; Ransom Road in Dallas and Franklin townships, $500,000; Church Road in Wright Township, $500,000; Oak Hill Road in Wright Township, $500,000; Crestwood Drive in Wright Township, $250,000; Old Airport Road in Butler Township, $250,000; and Hanover Street in Hanover Township, $250,000.
‘Happy to receive’ funding
McGinley said Tuesday he appreciates the annual $3 million LSA allocation authorized last year.
“The county is very happy to receive this funding. Obviously it will help infrastructure. But a lot of credit must go to last year’s legislature body at the state level,” McGinley said.
Crocamo’s statement reiterated the history of the infrastructure fund and noted the county has many public infrastructure needs that will require more than $100 million in public funding. She expressed gratitude to past and present state legislators who supported creation of the county’s public infrastructure program.
“The program will help Luzerne County address many pressing challenges, like the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge, without taking on additional county debt or further burdening county taxpayers,” said the statement, which also was emailed to five new incoming council members selected in the Nov. 7 general election.
Crocamo said the county will continue to work with federal and state legislative leaders to pursue all available public infrastructure funding resources.
Luzerne County: Greater Nanticoke Area School District caused ballot error
The Greater Nanticoke Area School District had officially informed Luzerne County’s Election Bureau that five school board members must be elected this year instead of the correct number of four, county officials said Thursday.
As a result, both the May 16 primary election and Nov. 7 general election ballots instructed voters to select five.
No corrective action is needed, however, because only four candidates appeared on the ballot in that race and were elected Nov. 7, officials said: Tony Prushinski, Mark Cardone, David Vnuk and Erika McQuown Jacobs.
School board candidates can cross-file in the primary, and all four secured both the Republican and Democratic nominations to advance to the general. There were no other ballot contenders.
Because only four seats are open, the county won’t be proceeding with a write-in notification letter to fill the fifth slot that never existed, officials said. The highest number of write-in votes was eight for John Telencho.
No write-in nominees advanced in the primary because at least 100 votes are required, and nobody met that threshold. That write-in vote minimum does not apply in the general election.
As proof the county was not at fault, a release from county Administrative Services Division Head Jennifer Pecora said Greater Nanticoke Area sent an online form to the bureau at 10:39 a.m. Feb. 7 stating five school board members must be elected for four-year terms.
School districts and the county’s 76 municipalities are responsible for providing accurate information to the county on which seats must appear on the ballot in their jurisdictions, Pecora said.
Based on the experience with Greater Nanticoke Area, the county has decided it will now require electronic submission of all ballot content information to ensure the information is instantly accessible if a question arises, Pecora said.
“This will allow for automatic data upload directly into our filing management system,” her release said.
The bureau will send governing bodies letters about this requirement at the start of each calendar year, it said.
Public posting of sample ballots also will continue so governing bodies, candidates and committees can review the information and alert the election bureau of any concerns, Pecora said. This ballot-proofing measure was implemented for both 2023 elections.
School board certificates
Pecora also announced the election bureau completed certificates of election for all winning school board candidates Thursday.
The bureau is not issuing the certificates if candidates don’t have their campaign finance filings in order, which includes filing of a 30-day, post-election finance report due Dec. 7, the release said.
Because school districts will be holding their state-required reorganization meetings next week, some school board winners may have to submit their 30-day campaign reports before the Dec. 7 filing deadline in order to receive their certificates, it said. These certificates are required for candidates to be sworn in.
“Luzerne County is in no way altering the date of the state filing requirements; we are simply encouraging school board elected officials to file prior to the deadline to ensure a seamless transition into their elected positions,” the release said.
Campaign finance reports can be submitted online or in person at the bureau in the county’s Penn Place Building at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Market Street in Wilkes-Barre.
Candidates also should visit the bureau to pick up their certificates once their campaign finance reports are in order, it said.
Information on campaign finance reports is posted on the election page at luzernecounty.org or by calling the bureau at 570-825-1715.
All other newly-elected officials must complete the 30-day filing to receive their certificates of election by mail, the release said.
”Certificates will not be mailed until campaign finance materials are received by the bureau,” it said.
GNA School District to honor its State Police graduates
The heavy oak plaque was designed by Walter Choplick of Shenandoah and handcrafted by Paul Wazenski of Hanover Township with engravings done by Futuristic Innovative Graphics of Wilkes-Barre. The first name on the plaque is that of a 1927 graduate of Nanticoke High School. Submitted photo
The heavy oak plaque was designed by Walter Choplick of Shenandoah and handcrafted by Paul Wazenski of Hanover Township with engravings done by Futuristic Innovative Graphics of Wilkes-Barre. The first name on the plaque is that of a 1927 graduate of Nanticoke High School.
Submitted photo
Unveiling of plaque set for Dec. 5
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Several years ago, Shenandoah Valley High School created a plaque to honor graduates from the current high school and its two predecessor schools who went on to serve the Commonwealth as State Troopers. The plaque, which recognizes 55 graduates of Shenandoah, Shenandoah Valley and West Mahanoy Township high schools, was the only one of its kind in the state.
Inspired by that plaque, Retired Sergeant Chester Zaremba and Trooper Stanley Jezewski decided to have one created for their alma mater, currently the Greater Nanticoke Area High School. After extensive research Zaremba and Jezewski found 64 graduates of Nanticoke High School, Newport High School and Greater Nanticoke Area High School went on to serve as State Troopers. Current Commanding Officer of Troop “P,” Wilkes-Barre, Captain Patrick Dougherty, also a graduate of Nanticoke Area, assisted in the research.
After receiving tremendous support from Greater Nanticoke Area School District Superintendent Dr. Ronald Grevra and the School Board, the Nanticoke Historical Society agreed to provide funding for the project.
Designed by Walter Choplick of Shenandoah, the heavy oak plaque was handcrafted by Paul Wazenski of Hanover Township. All engravings were entrusted to Futuristic Innovative Graphics of Wilkes-Barre. Additional assistance was provided by Robert Yudinsky of Ringtown.
Walter Laskowski, a 1927 graduate of Nanticoke High School, is the first name listed on the plaque, and the inscription that honors the 64 State Troopers reads, ”We acknowledge your bravery, commend you for your dedicated service, and thank you for your willingness to serve — Nanticoke Historical Society, 2023.”
A dedication ceremony and unveiling of the plaque will be held at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5, at Greater Nanticoke Area High School. All active and retired members of the Pennsylvania State Police who are graduates of GNA or its predecessor schools are invited.
Nanticoke garbage fee hike spurs discussion
NANTICOKE — An increase in garbage and recycling fees prompted much discussion at Wednesday’s budget hearing and monthly council meeting as the board approved a bid that will see residents pay $415 yearly for trash collection starting in the new year.
Council unanimously approved first reading for Mayor Kevin Coughlin’s proposed 2024 budget, which would not increase taxes or sewer fees for the upcoming year. But council also approved a $1.5 million bid from JP Mascaro and Sons for trash, recycling and yard waste collection beginning in 2024 and ending in 2026, with the option of extending the contract for two additional one-year periods thereafter.
The previous trash collection fee was $258.
If a resident pays in full by Jan. 31, the fee would be discounted to $395. There also would be an option to pay in three installments of $138.33.
Accounts that do not pay in full or pay the first installment by Jan. 31 would be considered delinquent, the fee would increase to $456.50, and they would no longer be eligible for installment payments.
The maximum amount of four bags per collection will remain.
Deputy Counsel for JP Mascaro and Sons Al DeGennaro explained that a number of factors went into the increased cost of trash collection, particularly the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to rising interest rates, fuel costs, labor, insurance and wage increases for the company.
Despite the reasons given, many residents who attended the meeting did not seem convinced that the trash fee had to increase so drastically, and said they felt Mascaro and Sons were using the pandemic as an excuse to raise prices. Many argued that the increase is simply not feasible for senior citizens or those on fixed incomes.
“I can’t afford this and I don’t think a lot of people can,” said Mary Lee Conway, a resident who attended the meeting.
DeGennaro responded that the pandemic is not an excuse and the costs they’ve incurred are very real.
“These increases are reflective of the turmoil in our industry,” he said.
Mayor Kevin Coughlin insisted that the council tried to be fair to everyone in the city and that council had discussed this issue for months trying to come up with a cheaper option.
“We’re doing the best we can,” he said.
Although four companies were interested in the contract, JP Mascaro and Sons was the only company that actually submitted a bid.
“When there’s no other bids, we have no choice but to justify (the increase),” said council member Lesley Butczynski.
City Council solicitor William Finnegan furthered clarified that Nanticoke City’s Home Rule Charter does not allow for the city to add the cost of garbage collection into the property taxes as other municipalities have done.
Council also:
• Accepted a resignation letter from Xavier Berzanski to vacate his seat on the Nanticoke Municipal Authority Board effective Oct. 23 as he has relocated is primary residence to a different municipality.
• Approved Resolution #17 of 2023, a Resolution of City Council of the City of Nanticoke designating the City Manager as the Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Nanticoke Non-Union Pension Fund and the Nanticoke Police and Firemen’s Pension Plans.
• Approved Ordinance #19 of 2023, (First Reading) an Ordinance of City Council of the City of Nanticoke, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, authorizing and directing the proper City Officials of the City to issue Refuse and Recycling Bills for the city and a fee for bulk item pick-up.
Greater Nanticoke School Board gives departing Ken James presidency
NANTICOKE — At his last meeting after 27 years on the Greater Nanticoke Area School Board, Ken James got a send off that was arguably one for the record books.
Board President Tony Prushinski opened the monthly meeting by noting James has run meetings in his absence but never actually had the top post. Prushinski announced his resignation of the presidency, and the board unanimously appointed James president for one meeting.
At times nearly overcome with emotion, James shook hands with Superintendent Ron Grevera, sat down and started the meeting. Grevera then presented certificates to several members for their years of service, but had two mounted on plaques for Len Olzinski, who is also leaving the board but had served one year as president, and another to James — who, he noted, had been on the board “as long as I’ve been in education.”
Prushinski said he looked up the day he met James, in 1960. “It was the first day of kindergarten.”
Grevera pointed out James had joined the board when the district was millions of dollars in the hole and needed several new buildings, and oversaw many changes. The district has a healthy fund balance and multiple new buildings, as well as several new sports fields and a football stadium that recently got a new artificial turf. “When you have someone like that working in your community, you make the place a better place.”
The two people who will replace Olzinski and James were in the room, former board member Erika McQuown Jacobs and newcomer David Vnuk. James said Jacobs already knew how things would work, but offered Vnuk advice. “You’re better off sitting and listening,” he said, adding that the job is complex and difficult “and there are not a lot of thanks.”
James said he was proud of the many improvements done in his tenure, particularly in sports, adding that he was unable to see planned upgrades to the field house. During the meeting, the board moved that project forward, approving a proposal from AE7 to conduct a feasibility study at a cost is $8,900. The plan is to erect a “Tent pole” building for storage, thus freeing up about half the space in the field house, then upgrading the building.
The board also:
• Increased winter sports admission for adults and students by $1, with exception off families of rostered athletes,where the amount will remain the same. For most sports that means $2 for admission.
• Approved an agreement with NRG Controls North, Inc. for three years servicing heating and air conditioning computer control systems, at a total cost of $58,900
• Agreed to seek bids and quotes for a new work pick up truck. The current one failed to pass inspection.
• Approve an agreement with EduConsult for grant writing services at a cost of $2,000 per month for one year.
• Approved two Memoranda of Understanding with the teachers union, one to create an English Language Development K-12 department head with a $3,000 stipend, and the other creating a unified Sports Club adviser with a stipend of $1,010.
• Appointed Susan Walton as Future Business Leaders of America Club advisor, Diane Pientka as special education aid, Greg Wiepa Jr. for maintenance, and Johnathan Evancho as English teacher in grades 7-12.
• Approved a deal to have Torbik Safe & Lock, Inc., update and install the latest software versions on district doors for a three-year licence at a cost of $3,750.
Nanticoke voters opt to retain term limits for mayor, council
NANTICOKE — Term limits for city council members and the mayor will remain in place and one councilmember’s re-election could be in jeopardy, according to unofficial election results on Tuesday night.
With 100% of precincts reporting at press time, voters overwhelmingly decided not to approve two referendum questions on the ballot, which would have deleted Section 2.09 and Section 2.10 of the City of Nanticoke Home Rule Charter.
This would have eliminated the provision that prohibits council members and the mayor from serving three elected, consecutive terms.
As of 10:52 p.m., there were 1,168 votes tallied against Amendment 1 (Section 2.10) and 733 votes tallied in favor of it.
For Amendment 2 (Section 3.09), there were 1,167 votes tallied against it and 736 tallied in favor of it.
Council’s decision to place the two questions on the ballot prompted much discussion and fierce opposition at several meetings back in July and August.
Three city council seats were up for grabs Tuesday and with term limits most likely remaining in place following an official count of the votes, it is possible incumbent Democrat Lesley Butczynski’s reelection will be called into question.
Butczynski tallied 1,264 votes, according to unofficial election results.
Butczynski’s eligibility was called into question earlier this year as it was unclear under the current charter provisions whether or not the one-time two-year term counted toward her total number of terms served.
Also on Tuesday, with three council seats up for grabs, voters reelected Democratic incumbent Lesley Butczynski for another four year term.
Butczynski was first appointed to Council in 2012, when she filled the seat vacated by Councilwoman Margaret Hydock, following her resignation.
Butczynski then won a one-time, two-year term in 2013. She subsequently won a four-year term in 2015 and a second four-year term in 2019.
City Solicitor William Finnegan told The Times Leader back in August that the language in Section 2.10 of the Home Rule Charter is vague, adding that the drafters of the charter did not define how long a term is — but that he would interpret it to be a period of four years.
The two other council seats went to went former city mayor Joseph Dougherty and Democrat Kenny James.
Doughtery tallied 1,245 votes and James tallied 1,186.
In addition to previously serving as mayor Dougherty, a Democrat, also served at least two terms on council and as city controller.
All results remain unofficial until they are certified by the county Board of Elections.
Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge recommendation released
Luzerne County’s outside engineer is recommending rehabilitation and partial replacement of the existing Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge over the Susquehanna River for approximately $39.6 million instead of constructing a new bridge at an estimated cost of $64 million.
“This alternative is recommended primarily due to the improved safety for the public, shorter construction duration and lower overall cost for the county,” said a preliminary engineering summary county Manager Romilda Crocamo released Monday evening.
Alfred Benesch and Associates completed the report and was retained by the county to complete an engineering study to determine the “best and most economical” option, officials have said.
With the recommended option, the county would replace the existing superstructure throughout the entire length of the bridge, replace select piers and rehabilitate/widen the remaining piers and abutments, it said.
The bridge dropped to a 15-ton limit and could be further reduced or shut down at any point if warranted based on an inspection, county Engineer Lawrence Plesh has said.
Unless other funding surfaces, county officials plan to pay for the bridge project with casino funding available for county infrastructure projects.
Based on authorizing state legislation, the county redevelopment authority entered into a borrowing agreement to create the infrastructure fund that will be repaid with $3 million provided annually for 25 years from the casino-gambling Local Share Account (LSA).
Council authorized $450,000 in American Rescue Plan funds to cover the engineering study. County officials have said final design would be completed by the end of 2024 so the project could be bid out in 2025.
According to the new summary from Benesch:
Three alternatives were investigated:
• Truss rehabilitation, which includes rehabilitation of the three truss spans to restore their original load-carrying capacities and remove the existing 15-ton weight posting and rehabilitation and superstructure replacement of 21 southern approach spans.
This would cost $47.8 million and have a construction duration of 3.1 years.
• Rehabilitation and partial replacement, which replaces the three truss spans with four conventional steel beam spans on new piers. It also would replace the superstructure on the 21 southern approach spans and widen the bridge deck.
This would cost $39.6 million and take 2.6 years to complete.
• Full replacement, which would construct a completely new bridge structure on a new alignment to the west of the existing bridge using “precast prestressed bulb-tee beams and optimized span arrangements.”
This would cost $64 million and require 3.3 years for completion.
The recommended option is $8.2 million dollars less than the next lowest alternative and can be completed six months sooner than the next fastest alternative, the Benesch summary said.
Ultimately county officials will make the final decision on how to proceed. Council and the administration are receiving a thick report intended to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the options, Benesch said.
The bridge carries Lower Broadway Street over the Susquehanna to connect Nanticoke and the West Nanticoke section of Plymouth Township. The roadway is a continuation of State Route 3001 from the south and terminates at a the intersection with Route 11 at its north end, Benesch said.
Its summary said the bridge is “considered fracture critical” and “structurally deficient,” leading to the weight limit.
Investigation underway into missing Nanticoke booster club funds
NANTICOKE — A report of approximately $20,000 missing from the Nanticoke Football 12th Man booster club is being investigated, Luzerne County District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce and Nanticoke Police Chief Michael Roke confirmed Wednesday.
Roke said a report of missing funds was filed with the police department last week and a city police detective along with a county detective from the district attorney’s office are investigating.
Roke said the financial accounts of the 12th Man booster club will be audited to determine how funds were spent and the amount missing, if any.
The 12th Man booster club is a volunteer organization that raises funds to support the junior and varsity football team at Greater Nanticoke Area, and pays for awards, jackets and a banquet.
According to the booster club’s Facebook page, they club held an emergency meeting on Monday and announced they are revamping the club.
LCCC names Yudichak next president
NANTICOKE — Luzerne County Community College Board of Trustees took the next big step into LCCC’s future during Tuesday’s regular meeting, voting to make John Yudichak the next president after current president Thomas Leary retires next summer.
The appointment is contingent on the college and Yudichak “negotiating a mutually agreeable employment contract.”
The vote was 13-2, with Paul DeFabo and Holly Evanoski voting against. After the meeting DeFabo said he had nothing personal against Yudichak but that “He wasn’t my choice.”
Prior to the vote Board Vice-Chairman Robert Bertoni said the college had received 40 applications, which the search committee winnowed to six who were interviewed, with all board members invited to attend. Three names were forwarded for final consideration, with the committee voting to recommend Yudichak.
Yudichak served 12 years as state representative followed by 12 years as state senator, most of them as a Democrat, though he did switch to independent in 2019, citing the “toxic conversation that is so pervasive” in politics from both parties.
Yudichak left the senate, announcing in December of last year that he had accepted a position as senior adviser with Harrisburg-based GSL Public Strategies Group.
Leary has been president of LCCC for 16 years, first taking the job in 2007. He has worked in some capacity at the college since 1974, the year the operation was moved from downtown Wilkes-Barre to the current main campus in Nanticoke. He announced his retirement — effective June of next year — last December, two months after the board had granted an 18-month extension to a deal that was set to expire Dec. 11, 2022.
Prior to the vote on the next president, the board unanimously gave Leary a 3% raise for his final year, retroactive to July 1 of this year. That follows a similar raise last year for the 2022-23 fiscal year. The latest raise should boost his pay for this final year to about $208,691.
NEPA’rogi makes pink pierogi for October
by: Amelia Sack
NANTICOKE, LUZERNE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One local business in our area is partnering with a nonprofit to help give back and raise awareness for their twist on the popular Polish food pierogi!
The Pink-Rogi Project.
This October NEPA’rogi is giving back and raising awareness with its pink potato and cheddar pierogis.
“What we are doing is partnering with the cancer wellness center of NEPA. Some of you may know it as Candy’s Place,” said Jasmyne Morgans the manager of NEPA’rogi.
The family-owned operation here at NEPA’rogi will be crafting and cooking up pink-rogis all month long.
A portion of proceeds go to a cause that they say hits home.
“We have people in our family that have been through the cancer journey and survived,” adds Morgans.
“We recognize that there are many different types of cancer and that it impacts everyone not just the people who are going through the treatments but also family members,” explained Megan Zeilinski the director of operations at NEPA’rogi.
This is the first time NEPA’rogi is partnering with the Cancer Wellness Center of NEPA but they say they plan on doing their Pink-Rogi project for years to come.
“The folks reached out to us… they were interested in doing pink pierogi we thought it was a tremendous idea and the start of a great new tradition,” continued Tom Ruckey the director of the Cancer Wellness Center of NEPA.
The Cancer Wellness Center of NEPA supports people with every type of cancer.
“We provide free support services to cancer patients, their families, and caregivers. We’re able to keep all of those services absolutely free because of fundraisers like this,” says Ruskey.
Supporting a small business for a big cause.
You can get the pink-rogi at NEPA’rogis store in Nanticoke subject to availability but they recommend ordering ahead.
They’re also selling tee shirts for the cause on their Facebook page.
|Students dismissed from several school districts after threats
Schools in Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wyoming Counties received unspecified threats Friday
morning, forcing officials to send children home.
Author: Courtney Harrison, WNEP Web Staff
Published: 10:36 AM EDT October 13, 2023
Updated: 3:26 PM EDT October 13, 2023
LUZERNE COUNTY, Pa. — Several school districts in Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wyoming Counties dismissed students Friday after receiving threats.
Newswatch 16 has confirmed that at least nine school districts received some sort of threat, but there are likely many others.
The threats came in Friday morning.
Along with Wyoming Area, Lake-Lehman, Dallas, Wilkes-Barre Area, Northwest, Nanticoke, and Crestwood Area School Districts all evacuated their schools.
Several of the districts sent students to alternate locations off school property before parents were able to pick them up.
Kimberly Gustitus of Exeter has two kids who go to Wyoming Area, and she's glad her kids were sent home.
"After the first one, you're a little worried. Now, it's the second one, and I'm like, 'Oh, my gosh, this is ridiculous already,'" said Gustitus. "You can't take the risk because you never know. I think it's just someone, somewhere, doing this to cause mass confusion."
Scranton and Tunkhannock Area School Districts did not dismiss students after determining with law enforcement that the threats were not credible.
In a Facebook post on the Scranton School District's page said:
“The police and FBI are involved and confident that the threats circulating the school districts in our area are a hoax.”
"It's sad that the kids have to go through that," said Scranton resident Mary Coleman. "My daughter is only in fifth grade, and she just got there. It's scary."
Coleman believes the school district's decision was right.
"I do trust them to know that they're going to have the best interest for my kid, so whatever they feel will work."
School officials and law enforcement say it's important to investigate these threats, whether they're a hoax or not, no matter the inconvenience it causes.
Last month, a man from Peru was charged after he allegedly made more than 150 threats to schools and health care facilities in our area.
GNA OKs after school help, Johnson College dual enrollment programs
NANTICOKE — The Greater Nanticoke Area School Board took several steps to improve academic opportunities at Thursday’s regular meeting, including establishing an after school extra help program in math and reading for students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. For older students, the board approved an industry fast track and dual enrollment agreement with Johnson College.
During the voting session 11 teachers were appointed to participate in the after school program, which Superintendent Ron Grevera said will run from immediately after school around 3 p.m. to about 4 to 4:15 p.m. Bus transportation will then be provided to drop the students off near enough to their homes that parents can pick them up. Teachers will help determine which students may benefit, and work with parents to encourage enrollment. Grevera said he would be happy to see 150 to 200 students taking advantage of the program.
The Johnson College agreement will give students a substantial discount on the per credit cost of taking classes, at $200 a credit or on average $600 per class. Students who want to do focus on one trade could graduate high school with an associate’s degree from the college, but Grevera said others could take advantage of it to see which trades and professions most interest them, then complete their college work after high school graduation. Classes will be held online or at either the main campus in Scranton or the new Hazleton Campus.
Grevera said the district is working with Luzerne County Community College to set up a similar program closer to home, at the LCCC Nanticoke Campus just down the road from the district campus.
In a separate matter, the board approved the purchase of 180 iPads from Apple Inc. for the Kennedy early Childhood Center at a cost of $52,920, and 180 iPad cases and six iPad charging carts from CDW-G for the Kennedy center at a cost of $10,860. Federal grant money will cover both purchases.
The board also:
• Accepted the resignation of Alan Yendrzeiwski as Key Club advisor, and appointed Amber Hyder to the position.
• Appointed Kyleen Thomas as 7-12 English teacher and Sandra Trocki as K-12 art teacher.
• Accepted the verbal resignations of cafeteria worker Lolita Devaughn and cleaner Laura Brown.
• Appointed Lara Adamski and Angela Millikin as cafeteria workers.
• Accepted the retirement of cleaner Nancy Pokrinchak.
Nanticoke Crime Watch Committee plans move forward with community support
NANTICOKE — The City of Nanticoke is one step closer to having extra eyes and ears on the lookout for crime.
During an informational meeting on Wednesday night in council chambers, several city officials gathered with over a dozen members of the public to discuss plans to organize a crime watch committee.
The committee is being formed after a growing concern of crime in the city, which Nanticoke City Mayor Kevin Coughlin says residents’ assistance will help to curb.
“Everyone here in this room wants the same thing and that’s to keep the city safe,” Coughlin said. “Hopefully, this will help us do that.”
The committee will consist of volunteers from the city who will be on the lookout for any strange activity happening in the community, which they would report to the police.
“It’s not a full-time job,” said District Attorney’s Office Det. Charles Casey.
“It’s about collecting information, keeping that information and sharing it when the police need it. You’ll be the eyes and ears of the police and that is unbelievably important,” Casey added.
The City of Nanticoke spans roughly three-and-a-half miles and is home to about 12,000 residents.
Currently, the Nanticoke Police Department keeps just two patrol officers on duty at any given point — a number Police Chief Michael Roke hopes to grow, but says it will take time to do so.
The crime watch committee would aid in the force’s efforts to keep the community safe in the meantime, he said.
“The information that comes from you guys is unbelievably important,” Roke said.
But, according to Casey, creating a large enough interest for the committee is important to ensuring its success, and the more residents keeping an eye out, the better.
“When you guys are talking to your neighbors, probably the most important thing you can do is encourage cooperation— that’s what will make this endeavor successful,” Casey said.
Residents who are interested in being involved with the committee can attend the next meeting, which Coughlin says will be scheduled in the coming days and posted to the City of Nanticoke website and the Nanticoke City Police Department Facebook page.
Rutgers honors Nanticoke boy, 13, as ‘Shining Knight of the Game’
On Sept. 3, the Rutgers University Scarlet Knights football team opened its 2023 season with a 24-7 victory over Northwestern University and 13-year-old Jayson Rivera of Nanticoke, who has endured four open heart surgeries, was honored as the “Shining Knight of The Game.”
A collaboration between Rutgers Athletics and official healthcare provider, RWJBarnabas Health, the Shining Knight of The Game is a meaningful initiative designed to lift the spirits and shine the spotlight on a pediatric patient battling healthcare challenges.
Born with a heart defect which required open heart surgery at just 2 days old, Jayson returned to Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, an RWJBarnabas Health facility this past June for his fourth open heart surgery — and he has also endured more than 30 cardiac procedures to date.
Jayson’s mom, Tyesha Turnage, said her son attends Greater Nanticoke Area and he is in the 8th grade. She said he loves sports, but because of his condition, he is unable to play sports.
After arriving on the Rutgers University campus, Tyesha said Jayson was immersed in a full line-up of Rutgers Football Game Day activities. His experience included a VIP ride in a golf cart, with Sir Henry (Rutgers mascot) leading the pre-game parade down to Scarlet Knight Way.
Jayson also enjoyed a prime spot in the high-five line greeting Coach Greg Schiano and the Scarlet Knights team members as they got off the buses.
And, Jayson outlined his handprints and signed a commemorative display that will remain on a banner at future games.
To culminate the Game Day celebration, Jayson was joined on the field by his incredible family support system, including his mom, Tyesha, siblings Cassidy and Christopher, and his grandfather, Walter.
Tyesha said it was all smiles, as Jayson was saluted by the crowd for his bravery and strength to fight on, which included a rousing ovation from the Scarlet Nation.
Jayson and each future Shining Knight of the Game will be enshrined in a Rutgers Athletics facility highlighting their unique game-day experience.
“Jayson really loves sports, but he can’t play because of his condition,” Tyesha said. “And he absolutely loved the day. He was so happy.”
Tyesha said Jayson’s spirits were lifted by the day and the support of so many people.
“He felt the entire day was about him,” his mom said. “The people were chanting his name — he felt like a celebrity.”
Tyesha said she and her family are extremely proud of Jayson because of how he has handled all of the treatments and surgeries.
We are very proud of him and we love to see how he is always so happy,” Tyesha said. “When he visits the hospital, the call him ‘The Mayor.’ He goes around and talks to other pediatric patients to cheer them up.”
Led by Children’s Heart Center Medical Director Dr. Rajiv Verma, and nurse practitioner Kimberly Yue, a devoted team of medical experts at RWJBarnabas Health, have been caring for and comforting Jayson and his family throughout the years.
Tyesha said Dr. Verma recommended Jayson for the “Shining Night of the Game” honor.
A day of remembrance
NANTICOKE — A total of 343 firefighters, 72 police officers and eight paramedics gave the ultimate sacrifice 22 years ago during the Sept. 11 terrorists attacks.
For roughly 10 years, aside from when they had to cancel due to COVID-19, Luzerne County Community College has held a Walk of Honor Ceremony on the school campus in a remembrance of those first responders who lost their lives in the line of duty.
Attending the memorial service where members of the Nanticoke Fire Department, LCCC EMS students, elected officials, school faculty and members of the public.
Several speakers shared remarks including U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright, state Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski and President Judge Emeritus Correale Stevens.
Members of the Nanticoke fire department participated in the lowering the flag to half-mast and Dept. Chief Steve Kotch lead the final alarm ceremony, which was used to symbolize honor and respect those who devoted their lives to their duty.
“It is easy for us who lived through that day as adults to think of how life was before and after 9/11 because it was one of those moments in history that changed the world,” said campus safety and security director Douglas Fawbush during his opening remarks.
However, as the years continue to pass, the events of Sept. 11 become less clear in the minds of young adults today. Some were too young to remember. Others, as Fawbush pointed out, were not even born yet.
“It is our responsibility to speak to them of the bravery and courage and sacrifice of those people who were violently taken away,” he said.
LCCC President Thomas Leary used his time to highlight the bravery and sacrifice of first responders.
“These individuals selflessly sacrificed their own safety by entering the Twin Towers to rescue survivors who have been trapped by the initial impact of the planes,” he said. “As we gather to honor the memory of those who suffered such great losses on Sept. 11, we’re also reminded of the courage and bravery demonstrated by emergency responders every day.”
Leary went on to read the list of 2023 Brick Memorials, which included the late Dept. Chief Norm Knoll and Bob Hazleton of the Nanticoke Fire Department, who passed away in 2017 and 2022, respectively.
Matthew Verbinski, a U.S Army Veteran and current LCCC student, was only five years old when 9/11 happened and admitted that he is one of those kids who has few personal memories of it.
“All I remember is my mother sitting at home for days with her head in her hands,” he said. “She was upset, she was crying.”
Still, the events of that day 22 years ago had a profound impact on Verbinski, changing the course of his life forever. After doing his own research into the terrorist attacks, he volunteered to become a firefighter. Once he turned 17, he enlisted in the army, where he served his country for eight years.
Now, as a student at LCCC, he is pursing his goal of becoming a forest ranger for the National park Service in order to perserve and protect green lands across the country.
“I do not remember the events of that day. I was not there. I do not have a lot of experiences that many of you do,” said Verbinski.
“But I can confidently say and I stand before you here, that what I learned and what I saw inspired me to do jobs and tasks that I never thought myself capable of doing.”
Clean-up continues in Nanticoke after violent thunderstorm
NANTICOKE — Several streets have reopened while others have a block closed to traffic Friday morning following violent thunderstorms that moved through the area Thursday evening.
Kosciuszko Street between East Noble and East Ridge streets remains closed due to a toppled tree across the roadway in front of the Kennedy Early Childhood Center or the Greater Nanticoke Area School District.
Due to damage suffered to power infrastructure from the thunderstorms, the school district will be on a flexible instruction day Friday. No district transportation will be provided.
UGI Electric Utilities reported at 7:30 a.m. Friday that 166 customers in Nanticoke remain without electrical service.
Trees also toppled in Glen Lyon, Newport Township, and throughout Sweet Valley and the Back Mountain areas.
Get ready for round two
The National Weather Service in Binghamton, N.Y., has forecasted more thunderstorms with gusty winds that may result in isolated flash flooding Friday afternoon.
Motorcyclists show their heart
NANTICOKE – The Valley with a Heart Benefit, which raises money to help aid families with children dealing with serious illness, celebrated 22 years Sunday with its annual bike ride and picnic at St. Faustina Parish Grove.
The ride kicked off bright and early at 11 a.m., with friends and family standing along the road side to get a glimpse of the bikers as they set out for an hourlong drive. According to the organization’s president, Rick Temarantz, nearly 300 bikes participated this year.
“There is a brotherhood in the biker community,” he said. “Usually, the bikers are the ones with the big hearts.”
The benefit had two poster children this year: 5-year-old Skyla, who has cerebra palsy and is quadriplegic, and 5-year-old Ayonna, who was born with a birth defect that affects normal blood flow to the heart. Both children frequently need to travel to the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia for treatments.
Money raised from the admission fee, riding fee, basket raffle, food and games will all go towards helping Ayonna and Skyla, as well as other children throughout Luzerne County, pay for medical, travel expenses and more.
The Valley with a Heart helps to pay medical bills, mortgages and gives out gas cards.
In addition to the bike ride, the benefit also featured a bunch of different options for food and beer, bounce houses and games for kids, as well as a whole craft and homemade dessert section.
The entertainment schedule was packed, with bands occupying both an outdoor stage and a stage underneath a pavilion.
There were also screens set up around the event grounds showcasing pictures from benefits past.
“It’s turned into a whole production,” said Temarantz, reflecting on the evolution of the benefit over the last two decades.
Once the bikers returned, the real party began and the live entertainment kicked off. Several local bands were set to play all the way through the night, with a fireworks show by SkyShooters Displays and the Lance Thorn Band to bring the evening to a close.
Wayne and Sue Horne venture down from Tobyhanna every year for the benefit. Although Wayne couldn’t ride this year due to recently having surgery, the duo was still excited to be apart of it all.
As proud members of the Wyoming Valley Motorcycle Club, they said the camaraderie with their fellow bikers keeps them coming back.
“It’s always a good time,” said Wayne Horne. “Good people, good cause.”
Steve Hughes and April Biddinger participated in the ride for the first time in a few years. Biddinger said the weather was better this time, plus the ride was longer, which she liked.
“It was a nice back road ride,” said Hughes. “We almost went as far as Berwick.”
They were excited to hear the local bands, some of whom were friends of theirs.
Diane Petracci, of Olyphant, was excited for the bands too. She was all set up with her fold-up chair in the front of the stage, chatting with friends before the music began.
“I love the bikes. I love it all,” she said. “It’s so cool.”
Despite the half-hour drive, Petracci said the journey is always worth it.
“It’s for a great cause. It makes your heart feel good.”
Greater Nanticoke Area School Board joins Unified Sports movement
NANTICOKE — The Greater Nanticoke Area School District became the latest to join a growing movement that gets special education and regular education students together in sports. At Thursday’s regular meeting, the School Board approved a Memorandum of Understanding with Special Olympics Pennsylvania to participate in the Unified Champion Schools program. The program promotes social inclusion through “Unified Sports.”
Locally, that has meant students competing in track. Hanover Area, Wyoming Area, Wyoming Valley West and Wilkes-Barre Area have already been fielding unified sports teams against each other in area track meets. Greater Nanticoke Superintendent Ron Grevera said he’s excited about creating the opportunity for the students to work and play together, and hopes the options will expand in the future.
The district will be getting a new, digital color marquee sign at the entrance to the campus on Kosciuszko Street. The board approved a sponsorship agreement with FNCB Bank to purchase and install the sign. Grevera said the current sign is broken and at least 20 years old.
With the first day of school just three weeks away, the agenda was — like many other local school boards this month — loaded with personnel moves.
Teachers appointed included Ralph Piontkowski for social studies in grades 7-12, Chelsea Pike for health and physical education in all grades, Jody Zelinske for English in grades 7-12, Nicole Reese for English in grades 7-12, and Holly Sayre for grades K-6.
The board appointed as instructional aides Dawn Boyle, Carolyn Slusser, and Tammy Vincavage (special education).
Chiysta Fox was appointed lead cafeteria worker and Brian Pall as a school police/resource officer with a private employment contract at $46,000 for the coming school year.
And the board accepted the resignations of teachers Tonya Cumberland, and Donna Willis.
The board also:
• Approved bus stops and pick up times, and transportation contracts with Pace Transportation and Keystone Transportation.
• Approved the purchase of an electric convection oven at a cost of $13,191 under the state Co-Stars plan, which allows municipal governments and school district to purchase items at a price already negotiated by the state.
• Increased the price of faculty lunch meals to $4.75, and faculty breakfast meals to $2.40.
Nanticoke to put fate of term limits on ballot
NANTICOKE — City Council on Wednesday approved two ordinances that will give voters the option this fall to eliminate term limits for both city council members and the mayor.
Ordinances #4 and #5 were given final approval by the Council with a vote of 3-2. Councilman Mike Marcella and Vice President John Telencho, who also voted against the move at the July 19 meeting, cast the dissenting votes.
Voters can now expect two questions to appear on the Nov. 7 municipal election ballot asking if they want to delete Section 2.10 and Section 3.09 of the city’s Home Rule Charter, which will eliminate the provisions which prohibit council members and the mayor from serving more than three elected, consecutive terms.
According to City Council Solicitor William Finnegan, the paperwork will be filed with the Election Bureau tomorrow and the bureau will ultimately decide how the questions are worded on the ballot.
During the meeting, Telencho once again expressed his opinion that eliminating term limits would discourage people from running for office.
Telencho also took issue with the fact that during the last meeting, Councilman Joseph Nalepa said there was little to no interest from the people in the community in wanting to hold a seat on the council.
“In 2019, there were eight people who ran for four seats. In 2021, there were four people running for three seats,” said Telencho.
Nalepa argued that everyone who ran in the last two election cycles were “already elected.”
“They were all involved with politics already,” said Nalepa. “There’s nobody outside of this realm, this political realm, that is running.”
Telencho pointed out that that wasn’t necessarily true, since he and Marcella ran and were elected for the first time in 2019.
Nalepa then doubled down. “This is not to discourage anybody from running. That’s not what this is.”
Council President William Brown pointed out that Nanticoke is the only municipality in the county that has term limits and Finnegan, who previously represented the City of Wilkes-Barre, agreed.
“I’m not aware of any municipality under Home Rule that has term limits,” he said.
Brown also agreed with Nalepa in regard to the recent lack of interest from the community in running for office
“I’ve been around a long time on city council going back to 2002 and I’ve seen a total difference in the turnout for candidates to run for elected office,” he said.
After the meeting, Marcella clarified that he voted no to approving the ordinances because he believes term limits help to diversify the council in order to best represent the people who live in the city.
“The council needs to mimic the community,” said Marcella.
In terms of the Home Rule Charter itself, Finnegan said that, like the U.S constitution, it’s a living document and it is subject to change as the years go on.
“These (ordinances) won’t be the last changes we make,” he said.
With goats on their ‘baacks,’ seniors enjoy goat yoga program
NANTICOKE — With “Proud Mary” blaring and goats on their backs, some 40 senior citizens enjoyed 45 minutes of ‘goat therapy” on Tuesday at the Rose Tucker Active Adult Center in Nanticoke.
“Give me a baaaaaaa!’ shouted Ashley Raspen, owner of Buttinhead Farms in Hunlock Creek to get the party started.
And the 40 goat yoga enthusiasts shouted back, “Baaaaaaa!”
Raspen and her daughters, Alaina, 15, and Willow, 7, and her four goats — Ladybug, Brantley, Squishy and Mushy — brought smiles to all as they worked out with their new hooved friends.
There were leg kicks, hip swings, stretches and inhales and exhales during the 45-minute session.
“Shake it, shake it sir,” Raspen said to Ed Piestrak, 83 of Nanticoke, who helped lead the session while wearing a glittery grass skirt.
Piestrak said he visits the center regularly for exercise.
“But I never expected this,” he said with a smile. “This is fun.”
That was how all of the attendees felt about the goat yoga session.
“Come on, think kind thoughts, say kind words,” Rapsen urged the group. “Step out of your comfort zone and try something new.”
Raspen said to leave reality at home and step into “goat-ality.”
She then added, “Criss-cross, applesauce,” noting that she makes most of her comments up as the session goes along.
Raspen said she has 64 goats on her farm in Hunlock Creek.
On her website, buttinheadfarms.com, she tells “A goating great story.”
Raspen said she is a wife, mom of three, fitness professional, and “just so happens to be a goat farmer.”
She said, “So this is where the beginning of my journey started. Juggling fitness and farming — they were a match made in heaven. Members at the gym became fascinated with the goats on the farm. I decided to hold goat yoga sessions at the farm occasionally during the summer. Whoa! I was not planning on where we would end up in the first year of our business. The response was more amazing than I could have ever imagined.
Raspen said Buttinhead Farms Goat Yoga is like no other out there.
“When you attend one of our sessions, there are no expectations,” she said. “The only expectation is that you leave happier than you came and we take you away from every day stresses in your life during the time you’re with us.”
Mission accomplished on Tuesday.
Gail Voyton, director at the center, and Laura Dorshefski, the Assistant Director, said they discovered Raspen and her goat yoga program online and it seemed it was very popular.
“We have an exercise program here,” Voyton said. “We call it geri-fit. But everybody seemed to really enjoy the goat yoga today. We would love to have them back.”
The Rose Ticker center was the first center in Luzerne County to host goat yoga, she said.
Jan Davis of Glen Lyon said the session was a lot of fun.
“I like animals and I’ve done yoga for years, so this was great,” she said.
Charlotte Carney of Nanticoke agreed, saying the session was very good for the seniors.
“I never thought I would be able to get down that low,” she said. “And the goats were a lot of fun.”
Teen, 16, charged with attempted criminal homicide in Nanticoke drive-by shooting
NANTICOKE — A 16-year-old boy from Wyoming Borough was charged as an adult in the attempted homicide of a 14-year-old boy in Nanticoke on Friday.
John Carl Pearce IV, of Wyoming Avenue, is accused of leaning out a passenger side window of a stolen Hyundai Elantra and fired multiple rounds in the area of West Green and Maple streets at about 7:15 p.m., according to court records.
A 14-year-old boy who was walking from a park where he played basketball was struck in the head and ankle and was transported to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Nanticoke City Police said.
Pearce was identified as the alleged gunman after investigators with the Pennsylvania State Police at Wilkes-Barre obtained video footage from locations in Nanticoke, Shickshinny and Larksville.
After the shooting, the Hyundai Elantra was set ablaze in the area of Eno and Church streets in Plymouth, court records say.
State police charged Pearce with two counts of aggravated assault and one count each of criminal attempt to commit criminal homicide, possession of a firearm by a minor, criminal conspiracy to commit arson, criminal conspiracy to commit reckless burning, criminal conspiracy to commit theft, criminal conspiracy to commit criminal mischief and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.
Pearce was arraigned before Luzerne County President Judge Michael T. Vough early Wednesday morning and jailed without bail as he was deemed a flight risk and a danger to the community.
According to the criminal complaint:
A woman from Nanticoke reported her silver Hyundai Elantra was stolen from her East Union Street residence on July 19.
Two days later on Friday, July 21, Nanticoke City Police responded to gunfire at West Green and Maple streets where they found the 14-year-old boy with gunshot wounds to his head and ankle.
A friend of the victim told police they were playing basketball at West Side Park. As they left the park, the friend rode his ATV onto Line Street near West Union Street when he noticed a silver Hyundai Elantra occupied by several people wearing ski masks drive slowly passed him and turned around.
The friend observed the rear passenger window roll down and heard one of the occupants say, “That’s not him,” as the Hyundai drove toward West Green Street, the complaint says.
Surveillance footage in the area of West Green and Maple streets showed the 14-year-old boy walking as the silver Hyundai Elantra drives slowly passed him.
Footage showed the rear seat passenger, wearing a ski mask and a black hooded sweatshirt with strings near the collar, lean out the window and discharged rounds across the roof of the vehicle toward the 14-year-old boy as the driver of the Hyundai speeds away, the complaint says.
State police in the complaint say Luzerne County 911 received a report of a vehicle fire at Eno and Church streets in Plymouth. The vehicle that was intentionally set on fire was the silver Hyundai, according to the complaint.
Surveillance footage showed a black pickup truck following the Hyundai in Plymouth prior to the Hyundai being set on fire.
The pickup truck was a 2013 Ford F150 that was reported stolen from East Third Street in Salem Township.
Salem Township police obtained surveillance footage of a Hyundai in the same area where the Ford truck was stolen at about 2:15 a.m. Saturday.
Other surveillance footage in Shickshinny shows the Hyundai and the Ford truck traveling on state Route 11.
Video footage from Sheetz in Larksville showed the Hyundai and Ford at gasoline pump islands and an individual pumping gasoline into a container at about 3 a.m. Saturday.
Pictures from the Sheetz surveillance cameras were circulated to municipal police departments as one police officer identified Pearce, the complaint says.
Pearce was reported as wanted for absconding from Luzerne County juvenile probation and was also reported as a missing juvenile, according to the complaint.
State police investigators obtained a search warrant Monday for Pearce’s cellular phone records that tracked him in the area of West Green and Maple streets at the time of the shooting, traveling on Interstate 81 in the Scranton area, Salem Township/Berwick areas, at Sheetz in Larksville and at Eno and Church streets in Plymouth, the complaint says.
Pearce’s cellular records allegedly has him in the area of East Union Street, Nanticoke, about the time the Hyundai Elantra was reported stolen.
Nanticoke boy, 14, was shot in back of head, ankle
Police are seen at West Green and Maple streets in Nanticoke on Friday evening investigating a drive-by shooting that left a teenager seriously injured. Hannah Simerson | Times Leader
Police are seen at West Green and Maple streets in Nanticoke on Friday evening investigating a drive-by shooting that left a teenager seriously injured.
Hannah Simerson | Times Leader
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NANTICOKE — The victim in Friday night’s drive-by shooting was transported to Geisinger Danville, where his condition had been stabilizing early Saturday, city Police Chief Mike Roke said.
The 14-year-old male was struck twice — once in the back of the head and once in the ankle — the chief added. Further updates on the teen’s condition were not immediately available Saturday afternoon.
The incident took place prior to 7:30 p.m. Friday in the area of West Green and Maple streets, where a car with gunshot damage could be seen as investigators went about their work.
Witnesses watching a baseball game at a pub across the street said they heard multiple gunshots and ran outside and saw the boy laying in the street.
Roke on Saturday said he couldn’t comment further on the status of the investigation, which had been turned over to Pennsylvania State Police.
The chief did say on Friday night that he believed the incident was isolated and targeted.
Efforts to reach a PSP spokesperson were not immediately successful on Saturday afternoon.
Police investigate Nanticoke drive-by shooting in which teen was targeted
By Hannah Simerson and Roger DuPuis hsimerson@timesleader.com
NANTICOKE — Police responded to a drive-by shooting in the city Friday night in which a teenage male was shot in the back of the head, Nanticoke Police Chief Mike Roke said.
The victim’s condition was not immediately known.
“This was an isolated incident, and I believe it was almost certainly gang-related,” Chief Roke said. “This was targeted.”
Information about possible suspects was not immediately available, and Roke said his department was working the scene and in the process of handing the investigation over to Pennsylvania State Police later Friday.
The incident took place prior to 7:30 p.m. in the area of West Green and Maple streets, where a car with gunshot damage could be seen as investigators went about their work.
The damaged car belongs to Nanticoke resident Ryan Yale, who said he was inside Jim’s Restaurant and Pub just across the street when the shooting occurred.
What started as an evening out to watch baseball at the restaurant quickly turned dangerous when Yale and the other patrons inside said they heard around five gunshots coming from outside.
“We were just sitting there — enjoying the game — and we heard several repetitious shots that we knew weren’t fireworks and so everybody got up,” Yale said.
Yale said he left the restaurant to find a young male laying on the ground across the street with bullet casings across the street — and one of those bullets struck his car, Yale said.
“I started seeing the casings laying on the ground, so I decided to look in my car,” Yale said. “I saw a bullet hole in my car — of course that’s not nearly as important as the young boy laying there in the street … it’s a sad thing.”
Nanticoke proposals would let voters decide on term limits
NANTICOKE — Two items introduced at city council’s combined work session Wednesday night would give voters the option to vote to eliminate term limits for council members and the mayor.
The council will meet on Aug. 2 for a final vote regarding Ordinance #4 and #5 that would place a question on the Nov. 7 municipal election ballot to delete Section 2.09 and Section 2.10 of the City of Nanticoke Home Rule Charter.
This would eliminate the provision that prohibits council members and the mayor from serving more than three elected, consecutive terms.
The ordinances moved forward to the next meeting for final approval with a vote of 3-2; council members Mike Marcella and Vice President John Telencho voted against the move.
The ordinances caused much discussion among council members.
Telencho, who joined the meeting remotely, questioned why the ordinances were placed on the agenda in the first place, claiming that he had no knowledge of them until Mayor Kevin Coughlin called him on June 27 to inform him they were going to be there.
Telencho questioned why he was left out of the initial discussion and why the items were being “rushed through.”
Councilman Joseph Nalepa said that the ordinances have been discussed in “certain circles,” for some time, prior to the May primary election. These were “casual discussions” and they weren’t trying to go behind Telencho’s back.
Councilwoman Lesley Butczynski, who also attended the meeting remotely, said that everyone had at least two weeks to think about the ordinances and that they could table the items if they wanted to, but that she did not personally want to do that.
Council Solicitor William Finnegan said that, to his knowledge, everyone had an opportunity to raise their concerns to him and that he had multiple phone calls with council members fielding questions.
Finnegan said he was more than willing to discuss the ordinances further before the second reading.
Telencho argued that eliminating term limits would discourage people for running for office, while Nalepa countered that the people’s apparent lack of interest in running for office was specifically why he thought they needed the ordinances in the first place.
“If you look at the last two election cycles, interest is waning for people to serve on the municipal level,” said Nalepa, adding that if there are people that care about the city and want to continuing serving, they should be able to.
Marcella also voiced his uncertainty about the ordinances, raising similar concerns to Telencho, and questioned why the council didn’t have this discussion earlier in the year.
Mayor Coughlin pointed out that the ordinances would merely put the questions on the ballot and that it was up to the voters whether or not to adopt them.
After the meeting, Finnegan explained that if the ordinances are approved on Aug 2, he would need to submit the paperwork to the Election Borough in a matter of days.
The Election Borough will have the final say in how the questions will be worded on the ballot.
Market cut off from food stamp program
Ruminski’s Market can no longer take
SNAP benefits as a form of payment
jhalpin@ citizensvoice.com
Read more here….
Nanticoke Streetscape project underway; will run through fall of 2024
NANTICOKE — Construction on the $2.5 million Nanticoke Streetscaping project on East and West Main Street, expected to begin on Monday, should get underway this week, and it will be take until late 2024 to complete.
According to PennDOT, the project will continue until Friday Nov, 17, of this year, and resume in the spring of 2024.
PennDOT said the project consists of accessibility improvements along the East and West Main Street corridor between North and South Market streets and North Walnut Street in Nanticoke.
The proposed improvements include construction of new storm piping, inlets, concrete curbs and sidewalks with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Handicap Ramps, highway lighting & signalization, benches & trash receptacles, bituminous pavement, decorative crosswalks, and line striping.
The online project page, including the map, and detailed project information, can be found by visiting the PennDOT District 4-0 website — www.penndot.gov/district4. Click on “Construction Projects and Roadwork”, then the Luzerne County box, then choose the tile marked “Nanticoke Streetscape West and East Main Street.”
The project includes East Main Street between Market Street and approximately 100 feet west of the Walnut Street offset intersection.
According to PennDOT, the purpose of the improvements is to provide the traveling public with a safe corridor through the city that enhances traffic flow, provides safe pedestrian crossings and meets the current design standards.
The scope of work for the project from Market Street to Shea Street is from back of sidewalk to back of sidewalk and includes:
• Full reconstruction of the existing sidewalk, pavement section and drainage structures.
• New traffic signal at the intersection of Market Street and Main Street.
• Landscaping improvements.
• Stamped pavement pedestrian crosswalks.
• Center left turn lane.
• Proposed pavement markings.
• Removal of existing parking.
• Temporary construction easements proposed to complete the sidewalk work.
The scope of work from Shea Street to 100 feet west of Walnut Street is from existing curb to existing curb and includes:
• Proposed 1.5-inch pavement mill and overlay.
• Proposed pavement markings.
• Existing sidewalks and parking to remain.
When the project was announced last year, Mayor Kevin Coughlin said,” his project will beautify our downtown. It’s the first step toward further downtown revitalization.”
Coughlin said the project had been in planning stages for years and he said he is pleased that the project is underway.
Nanticoke celebrates Independence Day weekend with a bang
NANTICOKE — The City of Nanticoke kick-started its Independence Day celebrations on Saturday with the return of the city’s annual “Nanticoke Big Bang 4th of July Celebration.”
The Luzerne County Community College parking lot was alive with food and craft vendors, BINGO games, raffles, a dunk tank, bounce houses, and plenty of residents looking to get a jump on their holiday weekend.
In typical Independence Day fashion, sunset brought with it a colorful display of fireworks.
Tyme Band and Mellifluous provided the live entertainment for the celebration, and folks couldn’t hide their glee as they wandered amidst the happenings.
Nickie Toporcer and Helen Sudick of Nanticoke wanted to show support to their hometown by attending the celebration — and from the looks of it, it seems they’re glad they did.
“We just wanted to see how things were, see if we run into anybody, and support the town,” Toporcer said.
This year’s celebration marked the first one for the pair, who noted the convenient location made it possible for them to return home and come back later for the firework display.
Nanticoke resident Amanda Kempa said she found the event to be fun for her entire family. Kempa was also a first-time attendee, and she noted that she was eager to watch the fireworks with her family.
“Our whole family is here — it’s family time for us,” Kempa said.
The attendees weren’t the only ones happy to be there — vendors also joined in on the celebration.
“I most look forward to seeing the people,” said Brian Gardener, owner of Uncle Bucks BBQ, which has vended at the event every year.
“I enjoy seeing the people eating my food,” he added, noting that he sees customers come back year after year.
Volunteers clean up trash in Nanticoke on Earth Day
Denise Allabaugh – Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — More than 60 volunteers cleaned up trash throughout Nanticoke to beautify the city in honor of Earth Day on Saturday.
The Nanticoke Conservation Club organized the citywide cleanup and several groups participated including Greater Nanticoke Area High School seniors and members of the National Honor Society, True Value Company distribution center employees, Luzerne County Community College representatives and Boy Scout Troop 418 of Nanticoke.
Owen Dunlavey, 12, and other members of his Boy Scout troop grabbed vests and bags and cleaned up an area near Weis Market.
Dunlavey said he wanted to keep the environment clean “because people are constantly throwing trash and litter around here.”
Volunteers started the cleanup at the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge and worked their way up to the downtown area.
Gary Gronkowski, president of the Nanticoke Conservation Club, said several groups made donations, including Weis Market, the Fraternal Order of Eagles/834 Aerie in Nanticoke and True Value Company.
Maria Scott, office manager for True Value Company, said her company donated snacks and Gatorade and a team of about 12 employees participated in the cleanup around the company’s distribution center near Luzerne County Community College.
“We wanted to partner with the Nanticoke Conservation Club and get involved in the community since we have a big business here,” Scott said.
The City of Nanticoke provided a dumpster and the city’s road and maintenance crew picked up trash from the streets.
Nanticoke Mayor Kevin Coughlin, who also participated in the citywide cleanup, said his 6-year-old granddaughter came to council and said they should put up more signs encouraging people not to litter
Nanticoke Mayor Kevin Coughlin participates in a citywide cleanup Saturday morning for Earth Day.
“We need more respect for our town. Take pride in your town and help out your neighbors. If they’re elderly people, help them clean up,” Coughlin said. “It’s everybody’s world and it’s not just our town either. It’s not hard. There are garbage cans all over the place.”
Coughlin said he was pleased with the large number of volunteers who came out Saturday.
“I can’t believe the amount of volunteers we got,” he said. “It’s terrific. I’m really happy that this amount of people cares about our city.”
Students and staff at Luzerne County Community College started the cleanup on Thursday on Kosciuszko Street and Middle Road and came back Saturday to help clean up the city, said Paula Labenski, executive assistant to the president and board of trustees at LCCC.
The Nanticoke Conservation Club organized cleanups in the past but mainly targeted areas like dumpsites in the woods as well as Concrete City, Gronkowski said.
“We have to do it. There’s no way around it,” Gronkowski said. “Those were out in the woods and I came up with the idea with the mayor to clean where everybody sees it.”
Gronkowski, who was born and raised in Nanticoke, said the citywide cleanup was important to him, especially on Earth Day.
“I have pride in my city and I think everybody else does,” he said. “It’s a really good turnout and I want to see if we can do this every year.”
Baker, Ryncavage to host joint open house at new Nanticoke offices
Bob Kalinowski – Citizens Voice
Baker and freshman state Rep. Alec Ryncavage are coming to Nanticoke.
Baker, R-14, of Lehman Twp., and Ryncavage, R-119, of Plymouth, announced Wednesday they will host a joint open house April 28 at their new offices in the city.
The lawmakers are opening offices in a new downtown building at 50 N. Walnut St., constructed for Nockley Family Pharmacy and Cawley Physical Therapy and Rehab.
The open house will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at Baker’s office at Suite 105 and Ryncavage’s office at Suite 102. Baker’s office will feature paintings by local artist Sue Hand from her Coal Breaker Community Series.
“A crucial part of public service is meeting face-to-face with constituents, listening to what they have to say and alerting them to state programs and services that may assist in improving their personal situation,” said Baker, a senator since 2007. “For people who want to talk about issues, this joint open house allows them to gain perspective from both the Senate and state House.”
Ryncavage, 21, who was elected in November, said he is “grateful that a seasoned senator like Sen. Baker and I will be in close proximity to one another as we help the constituents in our area.”
“Our neighboring offices create a one-stop shop for our residents,” Ryncavage said. “The building and ample off-street parking make our space accessible, welcoming and convenient for those needing legislative services.”
Greater Nanticoke Area replacing high school doors for $1.1 M
Michael P. Buffer – Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — The Greater Nanticoke Area School Board voted Thursday to approve a $1.1 million bid to replace doors at the high school.
The school district will use federal COVID-19 aid to pay for the project. Lobar Associates Construction is the bidder, and the bid came through the Keystone Purchasing Network, Superintendent Ronald Grevera said.
The Keystone Purchasing Network is a cooperative purchasing program that offers pre-bid contracts for school districts. Lobar will begin the project when the school year ends in June and finish the project before the first day of the new school year.
The district will replace around 80 doors, and around 60 are exteriors doors. The project is being done for “safety and efficiency,” Grevera said.
The current front doors are single-pane glass, and most doors on the building are more than 50 years old, Grevera said. The new front doors will be double-pane glass, and that means they will be tougher to break and will save energy, Grevera said.
The district will also install push button automatic door openers for those who need them, Grevera said. The front doors at the high school already have a vestibule area with two sets of interlocking doors.
The school board also approved a summer reading and math program for students in kindergarten through fifth grade and a summer credit recovery program for high school students. Those programs will cost around $80,000, and the district will use COVID-19 aid to pay those costs, Grever said.
The board also approved a $152,094 purchase of 600 Chromebooks with COVID-19 funds. The district spent around $4 million from the first two rounds of COVID-19 aid and is now spending from the third and final round, which allocated around $7 million, Grevera said.
NWS sets ‘Red Flag’ fire warning for all of Pa.; burn-ban issued for Nanticoke
National Weather Service
Luzerne County — together with the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania — is under a ‘Red Flag Warning’ from the National Weather Service due to heightened fire risks.
The hot, dry conditions also led Nanticoke City to declare a two-week burn ban for its residents, one day after flames destroyed a double-block home and sparked a large brush fire in the Honey Pot section.
A Red Flag Warning means critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now or will shortly.
The NWS Red Flag Warning went into effect at 12 p.m. and will stay in effect until 8 p.m.
According to the NWS, afternoon humidity of 20-30% is expected, as well as wind gusts up to 30 mph.
These conditions, combined with warm temperatures, can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Outdoor burning is not recommended.
Recent weather conditions, as well as a series of brush fires over the last few days, led the City of Nanticoke to issue a burn ban effective Wednesday afternoon.
Nanticoke burn ban
According to a post on the Nanticoke Fire Department Facebook page, the burn ban went into effect at 12 p.m. and will stay in effect until April 26.
The post stated that any open burning out of doors, either in a burn barrel or on the ground, is prohibited.
Open burning is defined as the ignition and subsequent burning of any combustible material that includes garbage, grass, twigs, litter, paper and vegetative matter, involved with land clearing or any sort of debris.
The use of propane or gas stoves and charcoal briquette grills is not covered under the burn ban, said the post.
If necessary, the ban will be extended.
Weather outlook
The NWS’ website on Wednesday afternoon showed Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings for a large crescent of the country, stretching from the Southwest to coastal New England.
According to our partners at Eyewitness News WBRE/WYOU, the elevated risk of wildfires will continue through Thursday evening. Low humidity, gusty winds and a dry ground will contribute to the increased possibility of brush fires across Pennsylvania.
Near-record highs in the middle and upper 80s are likely for Thursday and Friday, Chief Meteorologist Josh Hodell says.
Crews battle major fire in Nanticoke's Honey Pot section
Bob Kalinowski - Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — A stubborn blaze that consumed a double-block home in the city’s Honey Pot section on Tuesday during hot,
ry and windy weather conditions ignited nearby woods on fire, endangering many other homes that were saved by an army of firefighters and volunteers who resorted to using neighborhood garden hoses to douse the flames and wet down properties.
The fire that broke out at 24-26 Keech St. torched an adjacent car, briefly spread to the next-door house at 22 Keech St. and sent fire embers into the air, fire officials said.
As Nanticoke firefighters arrived to try to combat the house fire, they knew they needed help — and fast.
“It was scary,” Nanticoke Fire Chief Mark Boncal said. “With the wind, it just started to take off over the mountain.”
Fire crews from around the area that specialize in battling brush fires responded while Nanticoke crews focused on containing the residential blaze, which took hours to extinguish.
The state’s Department of Forestry dispatched its firefighting team, which included a helicopter that scooped water out of the nearby Susquehanna River to douse the raging flames.
“I saw the embers flying overhead and sure enough it started to spark,” said Kathy Mislitski, 53, of Garfield Street.
While trying to work from home in her customer service job, she watched crews battle fires in the front of her home and saw the woods burning behind her house.
“They are soaking the trees with my hose,” she said.
One of the people who showered the trees behind her house was Devin Wiepa, 19, of Nanticoke.
He and his friends saw smoke coming from Honey Pot and drove there because he has friends there.
“I don’t even live in Honey Pot. I saw the fire and me and my friends decided to go,” Wiepa said. “Me and my friends wanted to go to make sure everyone was OK.”
Daniel Guevarez, 53, who owns the left side of the double block at 24-26 Keech St., said he escaped the home with his dog.
He said the other side of the home is owned by someone else and had been vacant for about 10 years. He also said he heard noises of what sounded like people next door just before the flames broke out.
Nanticoke fire officials and police detectives interviewed Guevarez at the scene.
Nanticoke house blaze sparks brush fire
NANTICOKE — A fire tore through a double-block home on Keech Street in the city’s Honey Pot section Tuesday afternoon, causing a brush fire that spread to surrounding areas.
No injuries were reported.
The house fire had been brought under control by late Tuesday afternoon, though crews continued to battle hot spots — and the brush fire — well into the evening.
Daniel Guevarez, who lives in the right half of the double-block home, told the Times Leader he and his dog were home at the time of the fire and escaped unharmed. Guevarez said he believed the left half had been vacant for about 10 years, and that he heard people walking around that side of the building just before the fire started.
A neighbor, who declined to be identified — and whose car was destroyed by the blaze — also told the Times Leader that she believed one side of the home had been unoccupied for many years.
Nanticoke City Fire Chief Mark Boncal said he was unable to say whether the cause of the fire was suspicious, adding that an investigation was underway and that a State Police Fire Marshall would be at the scene once all of the hot spots were knocked down.
Boncal was able to confirm that the fire started at the rear of the vacant half of the double block and quickly moved to the second floor.
When crews arrived around 1:40 p.m., a car parked to the left of the structure was on fire, as well as the rear porch of the adjoining house.
Though firefighters were able to contain the fire to the exterior of the house next door, the double block was all but destroyed. Due to the instability of the structure, Boncal said it would likely be knocked down later Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning.
Brush fire spread from blaze
Crews also battled a large brush fire, which spread across the mountain, that began as a result of the house fire. Boncal said the brush fire was fueled by burning debris and wind.
Pikes Peak resident Katie Hauer said she and her two children were about to get into her car when she saw the smoke from the fire and came to see if everyone was okay. It was then that she witnessed the fire spreading toward the mountain.
“We saw the big trees catching on fire,” Hauer said. “Then, it went up over the hill.”
A helicopter carrying a water bucket continued to circle the area of the brush fire into the early evening.
Christian faithful mark Easter
Geri Gibbons For Times Leader
NANTICOKE — Christians gathered at churches throughout the Wyoming Valley for Easter services Sunday.
Christians believe Easter marks Jesus Christ’s resurrection after his crucifixion on Good Friday.
Nebo Baptist Church in Nanticoke packed two services filled with fellowship, song and a message that focused on the resurrection.
Valerie Rees, who has been attending the church with her husband for about a year and serves as an usher, providing her with an opportunity to encourage regular attendees and provide information to newcomers.
Rees said although there were some attending only for the holiday, most were regular attendees, who participated in a variety of church activities throughout the week, including youth activities and a quarterly healing service.
Assistant pastor Jacob Claypoole admitted that some of those gathered were probably dragged into church by a relative.
Some people have told him that they thought they would drop dead if they darkened the door of a church.
Those people, he said, underestimate the breadth of God’s forgiveness.
He told the congregation, “We are celebrating the good news of Jesus, that God raised him from the dead and he is sitting at the right hand of the father.”
Claypoole focused on the resurrection and encouraged listeners to be bold and not timid in sharing their faith.
The resurrection, he said, proved that Jesus is God and made forgiveness available.
Nebo’s Easter Sunday celebration concluded a week of Easter related activities, including a Maundy Thursday service and a Good Friday service which focused on the seven last words of Jesus.
At Faith Baptist Church in Plymouth the day opened with a potluck brunch, which provided families with a chance for food and fellowship.
Pastor Bryan Dodson focused on the reality of the gospel and its impact on the lives of Christians.
Faith Baptist also offers a variety of activities, including a women’s fellowship, youth activities and bible studies.
Look Back: Nanticoke graduate pinned by King of England in 1919
Wonder if any other Greater Nanticoke Area graduates met English royalty?
Among the 13 graduates of Nanticoke High School in 1906, one would be awarded the British Military Cross for bravery during World War I.
U.S. Army Lt. Dr. James Elmer Croop received the honor for “gallantly on the field when the Germans attacked the British lines at the commencement of the Second Battle of the Marne,” according to the Evening News on March 27, 1919.
Croop received the decorated citation from King George V on Feb. 22, 1919.
“I want to thank and heartily congratulate you for the valuable service rendered to my troops for one and one-half years,” the King of England said to Croop, as the Evening News story reported.
Croop was a 1906 graduate of Nanticoke High School having resided with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Croop on South Hanover Street, Nanticoke. During the commencement ceremony, the graduates were required to perform a musical number, dance or give a speech.
Croop gave a speech about the preservation and protection of Niagara Falls from commercial and industrial development. As he had a fascination of the Great Lakes, it was no surprise Croop established a medical office in Erie, Pa., in 1912.
After graduating from Nanticoke, Croop elected not to work in the coal mines or railroads but attended and successfully graduated from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia.
With World War I underway in Europe and the United States entry into the Great War in April 1917, Croop enlisted his services on June 26, 1917, and was immediately commissioned as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Medical Corps.
Croop was called to active service Aug. 7, 1917, and after three weeks of military combat training, he sailed to England in September 1917, and was stationed for several months at a military hospital in Canterbury until November 1917.
Croop was transferred to France on Nov. 22, 1917, and studied battle field surgery and medicine before being shipped to the front lines having been assigned to the 8th Glouchestershire Battalion with the British Expeditionary Forces.
It was during the second Battle of the Marne in the summer of 1918 when Croop, as the battalions medical officer, ran into the fight to remove wounded soldiers, reported the Evening News.
“Croop went into No Man’s Land, rescued several wounded comrades and carried them to a shell hole nearby, where, in the direct path of thousands of flying shells, he dressed their wounds. Later, when the enemy fire permitted, he carried them to a place of safety behind the lines amid the cheers of his entire company,” the Evening News reported.
Croop would be promoted to captain on Aug. 8, 1918.
Due to his bravery, the King of England, George V., pinned the British Military Cross upon the breast of his military uniform.
According to Croop’s Veterans Compensation Application, Croop took part in the battles of Kemmel Hill, Hindenburg Line and the second battle of Somme. He returned to his American unit in April 1919, and was honorably discharged on April 25, 1919, at Camp Dix, N.J.
Several days after being discharged, Croop visited his parents in Nanticoke.
“Captain Elmer Croop, who had been cited for bravery and also decorated by King George of England, returned home on South Hanover Street,” the Evening News reported April 30, 1919.
Croop’s time in Nanticoke did not last long as he returned to Erie. His parents also relocated to Erie to be closer to their son in July 1919.
Croop did return to the Wyoming Valley many times to visit family, friends and attend Nanticoke Class of 1906 reunions. Croop died at the age of 79 on Sept. 5, 1967, and is buried in Waterford, Erie County.
Former Grico’s South reopens as the Salt and Pepper Pub
NANTICOKE — The former Grico’s South officially reopened Wednesday as the Salt and Pepper Pub. Workers outside finished putting up the new decals in the windows just in time for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
“We did an awful lot in a short period of time,” said owner Rob Friedman, who announced just two weeks ago that the restaurant would undergo a rebranding.
The new menu is curated by chef Chad Gelso, executive chef of Bank+Vine. The menu includes casual eats like pierogies, BBQ pizza, and halushki.
“This is exciting because all of the other restaurants are fine dining,” said Friedman. “We’re going with a totally new concept here that we think will do really well here in Nanticoke.”
The Friedman Hospitality Group also owns the Beaumont Inn, Dallas; Bank & Vine, Wilkes-Barre; Kevin’s, Kingston; Fire & Ice, Trucksville; Rikasa, Pittston; Grico’s Exeter; Cork, Wilkes-Barre; and The Greens at the Irem Country Club.
Kathryn Rollison, who manages the pub’s social media profiles along with Friedman Hospitality Group’s Director of Marketing, Erin Grzyboski, said that people on social media have been ‘really responsive’ to the new menu.
For Nanticoke Mayor Kevin Coughlin, he thinks the ‘more casual’ menu will help draw in a younger crowd.
While Friedman was quick to note that the pub is really ‘for all ages,’ he believes the more relaxed and casual atmosphere is more of what the residents in the area are used to.
“We have a lot of similar products that a lot of other pubs and taverns have, but I think the quality of the food in this place will be superior,” said Friedman.
Grico's South getting a new name, menu
Denise Allabaugh – Citizens Voice
Grico’s South in Nanticoke will be rebranded with a new name and menu, owner Rob Friedman of Friedman Hospitality Group said.
On March 1, Grico’s South is reopening as Salt & Pepper Pub with a more casual menu.
“We just felt the fine dining approach was not the right direction for that area,” he said. “It wasn’t as busy as I had hoped.”
Friedman said the new menu was completed under the creative direction of Chad Gelso, executive chef from Bank+Vine in Wilkes-Barre, who will work with the new chefs at Salt & Pepper Pub. Gelso will remain executive chef at Bank+Vine.
“Chad Gelso came up with an amazing pub menu that incorporates a lot of the things people will really enjoy with the signature menu there,” he said.
Erin Crofchick-Grzyboski, director of marketing for Friedman Hospitality Group, said the new menu includes a favorite in Nanticoke and Northeast Pennsylvania: homemade pierogies “with Chad’s twist on them.”
Customers can choose to order three or five steamed or pan-fried pierogies. Flavors include potato and Cooper cheese, farmers cheese and onion, chipped kielbasa with mushrooms and sauerkraut as well as braised beef short rib and horseradish.
The menu also includes halushki, appetizers, wings, bar pies, baskets and platters as well as some fine dining options and pasta. Homemade mini pierogies are included in the appetizers and customers can order pierogies as a side dish.
Rebecca Finkbiner, who was a bartender at Bank+Vine, also will offer cocktails at affordable prices, Crofchick-Grzyboski said.
Additionally, Friedman said the new Salt & Pepper Pub will have an expanded beer selection and changes are being made to the interior to “make it a pub kind of establishment.”
He said the S&P in Salt & Pepper Pub is a tribute to his parents, Sidney and Pauline Friedman, and the name symbolizes that the pub will have basic ingredients. Signs with the new name will be up before it reopens March 1, he said.
He purchased the former Giuseppe’s restaurant and the building at 14 N. Market St. in Nanticoke in 2021 from Steve and Adeline Smith and renamed it Grico’s South.
Friedman is well known in the area for his restaurants. In addition to the Nanticoke restaurant, Grico’s in Exeter and Bank+Vine, he also owns the Beaumont Inn and The Greens at Irem Clubhouse in Dallas; Cork, Wilkes-Barre; Kevin’s, Kingston; Fire & Ice, Kingston Twp. and Rikasa in Pittston.
Taxes to increase in 16 municipalities in Luzerne County
Bob Kalinowski – Citizens Voice
One of Luzerne County’s smallest municipalities is seeing the biggest tax increase in 2023. Local property taxes in Warrior Run Borough doubled this year from 1.9 mills to 3.8 mills.
Nanticoke is the lone city out of the four in Luzerne County to increase real estate taxes, opting to increase the millage rate one mill from 5.93 mills to 6.93 mills.
Property owners in White Haven in southern Luzerne County will see the biggest increase, a 2.5 mill from from 4.5 mills to 7 mills — a new tax rate that includes garbage fees that used to be separate.
A mill is $1 for every $1,000 in assessed property value, meaning the owner of a $100,000 house in Warrior Run would pay $380 a year, up from $190 in 2022.
Former Warrior Run Councilman Rick Kratz thinks the tax increase is “out of control” and borough leaders could have done more to lessen the burden on residents.
“It’s going to be double. Whatever we paid we are going to pay double,” Kratz said. “You don’t double the taxes. There’s a lot of old people are living on fixed incomes. They didn’t have to raise taxes at all.”
Warrior Run Mayor Tom Shypulefski disagrees. He feels the increase was necessary to combat inflation and rising costs to the small borough of 530 people.
With the tax increase, the borough’s budget raises from $265,000 to $317,000.
“We didn’t want to do it, but we had to do it to balance the budget to keep providing the services we are providing,” Shypulefski said. “Our only choices were to cut services or raise the mileage rate. We haven’t raised taxes since 2012 and we’ve been working on the same budget for 10 years. We try to do the best we can for residents for the lowest cost possible.”
The mayor noted residents are served by the neighboring Hanover Twp. police department, one of the few accredited police forces in Luzerne County.
In all, 16 municipalities are raising property taxes.
In addition to Warrior Run, Nanticoke and White Haven, municipalities raising local real estate taxes include the boroughs of Duryea, Larksville, Luzerne, Swoyersville, Sugar Notch and the townships of Dallas, Fairmount, Foster, Hollenback, Lehman, Nescopeck, Wright, Wilkes-Barre.
There will be no tax increase in 60 municipalities.
Buck Twp. and Slocum Twp. remain the two Luzerne County municipalities without a local property tax.
Plymouth Borough maintains the highest rate at 7.72 mills, followed by Nanticoke at 6.93 mills, Pittston City at 6.85 mills and Hazleton City at 6.78 mills
Wilkes-Barre City uses a different local property taxing method than the rest of the municipalities in Luzerne County, but its rate of 141.33 mills remains unchanged.
While White Haven is increasing taxes by 2.5 mills — which is $250 for every $100,000 in assessed property value — garbage collection will be included in that figure.
Nanticoke Councilwoman Lesley Butczynski said Nanticoke generates $385,598 for each mill, less than half of what neighboring Hanover Twp. nets per mill, or $856.348.
“The city is increasing its full-time police force, which has not been increased in the last 25 years, due to the increased call volume — not limited to child abuse, domestics and protection from abuse orders,” Butczynski said. “All our expenses, including utilities have increased also. We provide full-time police, fire, sewer, DPW and administration. The garbage and sewer bill saw no increase.”
Sixteen Luzerne County municipalities increasing taxes
Sixteen of Luzerne County’s 76 municipalities are increasing local real estate taxes this year, according to new report prepared by the county treasurer’s office.
The highest increase — 2.5 mills — is in White Haven borough, where taxes are rising 55.55%, from 4.5 mills to 7 mills.
Warrior Run borough tops the increases on a percentage basis because taxes are doubling from 1.9 mills to 3.8 mills.
To figure out the tax payment, property owners must divide their assessed value by 1,000 and multiply it by the millage rate.
For example, the owner of a $100,000 property in White Haven will now pay $700 instead of $450, or an increase of $250.
In Warrior Run, the tax bill would rise from $190 to $380, or $190 more.
A full chart detailing the other millage increases accompanies this story. Here’s how tax bills will change in these municipalities, using a $100,000 property as an example:
• Lehman Township, $260 to $360 ($100 more)
• Nanticoke, $592.58 to $692.58 ($100 more)
• Sugar Notch, $450 to $550 ($100 more)
• Wilkes-Barre Township, $160 to $220 ($60 more)
• Luzerne, $321.91 to $376.92 ($55 more)
• Edwardsville, $395 to $445 ($50 more)
• Dallas Township, $200 to $230 ($30 more)
• Duryea, $190 to $220 ($30 more)
• Wright Township, $100 to $130 ($30 more)
• Swoyersville, $155 to $180 ($25 more)
• Larksville, $360 to $380 ($20 more)
• Nescopeck Township, $146 to $155 ($9 more)
• Freeland, $520 to $527 ($7 more)
• Hollenback Township, $50 to $55 ($5 more)
Municipal response
White Haven Borough Manager Linda Szoke, who also serves as the municipality’s zoning/code enforcement officer, said part of the increase stems from the borough’s decision to absorb the costs of garbage collection.
Borough property owners will no longer receive a garbage bill separate from their real estate tax bills, she said. The garbage bill would have increased to cover higher costs, she said.
More revenue also was necessary to fund higher utility expenses and other basic operating expense increases, Szoke said.
The borough also provides round-the-clock police protection, she said.
Sensitive to the burden on property owners, borough officials are not initiating any additional projects, including street paving, unless they are funded by grants, she said.
“They cut out as much as they can,” she said.
This is only the second or third time the borough raised taxes during the past decade, she said. More frequent, smaller increases could have lessened the impact in 2023, but property owners may not prefer that option, she said.
Covering expenses is particularly challenging for the borough because it is essentially landlocked and has a significant portion of tax-exempt property, largely due to state parks and trails, she said.
Warrior Run Borough Council President Larry Carbohn said he steadfastly resisted past recommendations to raise taxes by the borough auditor and others for years, determined to avoid asking property owners to pay more.
However, finances got “tighter and tighter” over the past two years, and borough officials ran out of options to compensate for rising utility, fuel and maintenance costs, he said.
The street department budget had to be increased from $23,000 to $35,000 because it was not realistic, in part due to wage competition from the growing warehouse industry, Carbohn said.
Like White Haven, Warrior Run doesn’t have much space left for new development, he said.
Borough Solicitor Patrick Aregood said he witnessed Warrior Run council members agonizing over the decision before concluding an increase was the only way to avoid compromising public services.
“I’ve never seen a borough council striving to maintain services so high while keeping taxes low,” Aregood said. “They go out and do work themselves as a council to make sure services are provided to the community.”
Lehman Township Supervisor David Sutton said he has served as a township supervisor for 33 years, and the 2023 increase is only the third “in all those years.”
“It was a hard choice on our part because certainly we don’t want to do it,” Sutton said.
In addition to rising across-the-board increases in fuel, health insurance and other operational expenses, the township had to add another full-time police officer to continue providing 24-7 coverage valued by residents, Sutton said. Part-time officers are no longer an option because nobody is applying for those positions, he said.
He noted the township also provides quality road maintenance and free recycling.
County taxes
This year’s $161.8 million county budget contains a 2.99% tax increase, which is lower than the 6.75% originally proposed and amounts to $24.50 more on the average property assessed at $132,776.
The county millage rate is now 6.3541.
Combined county/municipal tax bills are scheduled to be issued in most municipalities Feb. 14. Some may be later due to delays seating elected tax collectors, balancing tax claim records or other reasons, according to the county treasurer’s office.
For bills issued Feb. 14, property owners will have two months, or until April 13, to pay at a 2% discount.
The deadline to pay taxes at the full, or face, amount, will be June 13. A 10% penalty is added for taxes paid between June 14 and the end of the year.
Lowe's to open coastal holding facility in Newport Twp. this spring
Denise Allabaugh – Citizens Voice
Home improvement giant Lowe’s has expanded its delivery model to meet demand amid supply chain challenges by opening coastal holding facilities, including one in Jenkins Twp. and another one set to open soon in Newport Twp.
Kara Hauck, corporate communications manager at Lowe’s, said the newest coastal facility in Luzerne County is expected to open in the spring in a 1.2 million square-foot warehouse being constructed on former mine-scarred land in Newport Twp off Dziak Drive in Nanticoke.
Coastal holding facilities enable Lowe’s to better manage imported product flow, Hauck said.
“Coastal holding facilities are used to stage import products like seasonal and outdoor living items until closer to time of need, which frees up additional capacity in other distribution centers and supports the timely flow of products from Lowe’s distribution network to our stores and customers,” she said. “Lowe’s distribution network expansion is part of an ongoing investment in Lowe’s supply chain.”
Hauck said the newest coastal holding facility at 209 Dziak Drive will create about 70 jobs, including hourly and management opportunities.
Lowe’s has been advertising job openings online for positions ranging from warehouse associates, human resources consultants to mechanics and supply chain technicians for its Newport Twp. facility. The facility will receive imported goods to supply regional distribution facilities, Hauck said.
Lowe’s opened a 744,000-square-foot coastal holding facility in 2021 at 325 Centerpoint Blvd. in Jenkins Twp. near its massive distribution center at 200 Centerpoint Blvd. in CenterPoint Commerce and Trade Park. The Jenkins Twp. facility created about 50 jobs, Hauck said.
Jim Cummings, vice president of marketing for Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services, which developed and owns CenterPoint Commerce and Trade Park, said Lowe’s nearly 1.6 million square-foot distribution in CenterPoint East is the largest building in Luzerne County.
He said Lowe’s distribution center and coastal holding facility in CenterPoint are in a strategic location that sets it apart from many Northeast U.S. business parks since it is less than a half mile from I-81 and i-476 and close proximity to UPS, FedEx Ground and the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport.
“Park tenants can reach the ports in New Jersey and Philadelphia in just over two hours and close to 53 million people live within a four-hour drive,” Cummings said. “When you combine these location factors with affordable real estate costs, strong and reliable utilities and access to a productive labor supply, you have a park that checks all of the important supply chain boxes.”
NorthPoint Development, county and local officials broke ground in 2021 for Lowe’s facility in Newport Twp. as well as another huge warehouse in Hanover Tw.
Safelite Auto Glass opened a distribution center last year in 357,575 square feet of space in the other warehouse in Hanover Twp. that was constructed on about 130 acres of former mine-scarred land off Dziak Drive.
R.C. Moore trucking company also opened last year in 208,000 square feet of the space in the Hanover Twp. warehouse to increase their service to the East Coast and improve the supply chain as well.
R.C. Moore executive vice president Duwayne Caroway said that it’s the company’s fifth warehouse and 14 employees from the area have been hired. The starting pay for the new jobs is $19 an hour with wage growth and opportunities in addition to benefits and 401k options, he said.
The company, headquartered in Scarborough, Maine, has created a substantial presence on the East Coast and has been a logistics partner for more than 60 years. In addition to its new facility in Hanover Twp., R.C. Moore also has locations on Oak Street in Pittston Twp. as well as locations in Troutman, North Carolina; McBee, South Carolina and Tampa, Florida.
R.C. Moore CEO Kelly Moore said in a news release the Hanover Twp. facility enables the company to “better serve our existing customer base, take on additional customers and create another hub for our drivers that will allow them to have more growth opportunities and/or home time.”
“We are always focused on the growth of our business, creating jobs, and serving our customers, but today we are also focused on alleviating the supply chain crisis as best we can and this new distribution center is a step in the right direction,” Moore said.
Developer eyes former Nanticoke school for luxury apartments
Bob Kalinowski – Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — The developer who is proposing a multimillion-dollar hotel and convention center on the site of the former Hotel Sterling in Wilkes-Barre now has his sights set on Nanticoke.
Sam Syla is proposing to convert a blighted former Catholic school on East Noble Street into a luxury 10-unit apartment building.
“We are going to do apartments, high-quality apartments,” Syla said in a brief phone call Tuesday while he was traveling in Europe.
The building, the former St. Joseph’s School, was most recently used as a storage facility for a construction company.
Syla has an agreement to buy the property at 6 E. Noble St., pending zoning approval. A hearing is set for Jan. 26 at 6 p.m. before the Zoning Hearing Board of the City of Nanticoke. Syla is seeking parking and driveway variances.
“Given the recent past use of the building and property, it is the applicant’s opinion that the proposed multi-family facility would be a more appropriate building use within the R-2 neighborhood. The building would be renovated to current codes and be appropriately landscaped to increase the value of the surrounding areas,” Syla’s application says.
“The applicant has executed similar projects under similar zoning issues in the Wilkes-Barre and Kingston areas with complete success. The buildings were developed and rejuvenated into facilities which improve the aesthetics of the neighborhood and support the local community.”
Syla, a Kosovo immigrant who was a developer in Philadelphia before shifting focus on the Wyoming Valley, developed the former Wachovia Bank on Market Street in Wilkes-Barre into 26 high-end apartments and the former Sacred Heart Slovak School on North Main Street in Wilkes-Barre into 30 apartments. In Kingston, he converted a former tobacco factory and machine shop on Elm Street into 40 condominiums.
The biggest project Syla has planned is a $35 million, 110-room Hyatt Place Hotel and Convention Center at River and Market streets in Wilkes-Barre, the site of the former Hotel Sterling.
Syla referred questions about his plans to his real estate agent Greg Barrouk.
Barrouk said Syla sees opportunity in Nanticoke in years to come following the commercial development in that area recently.
“It’s an area where we are going to try to grow and develop. We see a lot of growth with the industrial park,” Barrouk said. “Nice, luxury apartments are in need in the area.”
Slain guard Eric Williams' parents fight on for federal corrections officers
Borys Krawczeniuk – Staff Writer
SCRANTON — Don and Jean Williams, who frequently visit their murdered son’s grave, know an extra $180 million for the federal prison system won’t bring him back.
The Nanticoke couple hopes the money means someone else’s son doesn’t end up like Eric Williams, a corrections officer stabbed and beaten to death by an inmate almost 10 years ago at the federal prison at Canaan in Wayne County.
The money, intended to hire new federal corrections officers and retain current ones nationwide, could “save someone’s life or save them from serious injury,” Don Williams said Friday.
The Williamses and officials from the Canaan prison’s corrections officers union celebrated and thanked U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright for getting the new money appropriated at a news conference he hosted outside his downtown office.
“Two things that always stuck out with me when that happened. Number one, he was working alone,” Don Williams said. “I think if that had not been the case, Eric might be here. And he was also unarmed, and he had absolutely no way of defending himself.”
Seven years ago, Congress passed a law allowing staff at high-security federal prisons to carry pepper spray. Last month, Cartwright, D-8, Moosic, chairman of a House Appropriations subcommittee that oversees federal prisons, said he added the $180 million to President Joe Biden’s original budget request.
“Brave correctional officers walk through facilities’ doors to do their job and provide for their families,” he said Friday. “They deserve to go home to their loved ones at the end of every shift.”
Inmate Jessie Con-ui was convicted in June 2017 of stabbing Eric Williams, 34, with a homemade weapon and beating him to death on Feb. 25, 2013. Williams was alone, armed only with keys, handcuffs and a radio with a panic button. Con-ui, a previously convicted drug gang assassin, was allowed to roam outside his cell freely, despite a troublesome record at the prison and his murderous past. He attacked because Williams ordered a check of his cell earlier.
Since then, the Williamses have campaigned for more protections for corrections officers and started a group, Voices of JOE, with JOE representing the initials of the first names of their son and two other officers killed by inmates.
David Demas, president of the union that represents Canaan prison officers, said a staffing shortage and mandatory overtime continue to create problems and blamed poor prison leadership for that. He pointed out the prison is recruiting more officers, with a job fair scheduled for Feb. 4 in the prison lobby.
Efforts to obtain comment from the Canaan prison were unsuccessful.
With the 10th anniversary of Eric Williams’ death approaching, Don Williams, 78, talked about the anger that has fed his persistence in fighting for more staffing.
“When I found out about him working alone, about the fact he had no way of protecting himself, I thought that was an outrage,” Williams said. “And I determined that I had to just channel all of my frustrations over that into trying to do something to change that.
“Because it wasn’t right.”
Greater Nanticoke Area votes to limit any tax hike
NANTICOKE — At Thursday’s monthly meeting the Greater Nanticoke Area School Board voted to keep any property tax increase for the 2023-24 fiscal year at or below a state-set limit. It was the fifth Luzerne County district in four days to make that pledge.
The board agreed to stay within the “Act 1 Index,” which annually calculates a maximum allowable tax increase for each district across the state. This year, Greater Nanticoke’s index is 6.2%. The vote does not mean taxes will go up that much. The board may raise taxes to any rate up to 6.2%, or not at all. But agreeing to stay within the limit does give the district until the end of May to finalize a preliminary budget.
The limit can only be exceeded through voter approval in the spring primary or by obtaining state approval under a limited number of allowed exceptions. Going either route requires a board to approve a preliminary budget near the end of January.
Several motions involved upgrading computer equipment and performance. The board voted to solicit bids for the purchase of 600 Chromebook computers for students, modify an existing agreement to to increase bandwidth available to the district from 1 gigabyte per second to 10 gigabytes per second at a cost of $3,517 per year, and issue a Request For Proposals or bids “for the purchase, configuration and installation of servers, firewalls and storage equipment to replace aging equipment.”
And the board approved a change in the current school calendar making April 6 a make-up day for school cancellation Dec. 15, and June 9 as a make up day for Dec. 16.
The board also:
• Approved the posting for coaches and timers for fall sports in the 2023-24 school year.
• Approved the purchase of two basketball backboards and shot clocks from Degler-Whiting, Inc., at a cost of $15,765. The purchase is through the state COSTARS co-operative purchasing program allowing local governments to purchase items through a contract negotiated by the state, bypassing state bidding requirements.
• Voted to issue a request for proposals from food management companies for services in the 2023-24 school year, with renewal options for up to four years.
• Accepted the resignations of instructional aide Deborah Ward and cafeteria worker Gerogett Pugh.
• Appointed K’Lah Komoroski, Samara Vanderhoff as instructional aide, Brittany Lasoski for a behavioral specialist position as a private contractor, Laura Widow as part-time, 10-month secretary.
• Accepted the retirement of teacher Eleanor Anthony.
Casey announces $92K workforce grant in IBEW visit
NANTICOKE — After touring the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 163’s Advanced Technology Center on Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey said he came away very impressed at what happens there.
“After seeing this facility and hearing about the programs offered, I can say our workers are ready and our region is ready to meet the demands of our growing economy,” Casey said. “It speaks to what these workers mean to our community and our economy.”
Casey, D-Scranton, visited IBEW Local 163’s Advanced Technology Center at 41 West Church St., Nanticoke, to announce $92,880 in federal funding from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC). The IBEW Local 163 Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee will be able to train and place an estimated 60 trainees in jobs as qualified electrical workers within three years.
The funding was awarded with a 50-50 match, meaning that ARC provided a grant worth $92,880 that was matched by $92,880 in local funds for a total project funding amount of $185,760. The grant award will be used to purchase supplies and equipment needed to train apprentices at the new Advanced Technology Center (ATC).
John Nadolny, Training Director, IBEW Local 163, said the training facility offers night class training for local electricians to prepare them for full apprenticeship and successful graduation to full-time work in their new trade.
Nadolny said there is a growing demand for the apprenticeship programs at IBEW Local 163 JATC and there are no comparable electrical apprenticeship programs in Luzerne County.
“More than 100 individuals apply for the apprenticeship program each year, which is open to residents of Luzerne County, as well as parts of Wyoming, Sullivan, and Bradford counties,” Nadolny said. “Upon completion of the apprenticeship program, participants can become a Qualified Electrical Worker (QEW) wireman earning $37 per hour or more plus benefits.”
Nadolny said the training program takes five years to complete. He said participants get on-the-job training and the attend classes two nights a week.
“Our participants learn skilled trades,” Nadolny said. “If you want to become an electrician, this is the place you want to be.”
Raymond Sipple, a 2007 graduate of the program, praised the program and he said he learned everything he needed to know to have a successful career.
Casey said the demand for licensed electricians has never been higher than it is right now.
“And here we have a facility to give people the opportunity to be trained on the latest technology available,” Casey said. “And you can earn while you learn.”
On Nov. 18 of last year, Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Director of Workforce Development Initiatives Gwen Ross visited the facility to highlight the Wolf Administration’s commitment to creating apprenticeships and workforce training opportunities.
“These programs are vital to Pennsylvania’s economy and ensure that a pipeline of well-trained, Qualified Electrical Workers will enter the industry,” Ross said.
On Sept. 21. Gov. Tom Wolf was at IBEW 163 to announce a $297,000 grant through DCED’s Pre-Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship grant program to provide training for 30 apprentices in northeastern Pennsylvania. The project was also supported with a $600,000 Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant to improve the interior and exterior infrastructure of the training facility to ensure complete success.
“Investing in apprenticeship programs, where participants can earn a wage while learning a valuable new skill, is one way we can ensure there is a strong pipeline of new talent for these key industries,” the governor said during his visit.
Nadolny said that in 2023, apprentices will also have access to IBEW 163’s new Advanced Technology Center where they can gain skills to work in green industries such as solar and electrical vehicles.
Also attending Wednesday’s tour were John Olejnik, IBEW Local 163 business manager and Nanticoke City Council Members John Telencho and Michael Marcella.
Casey visits Nanticoke electrician training facility to tout federal grant
Bob Kalinowski – Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — Those who will drive the economy of the future are learning and training in Nanticoke, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey said Wednesday following a tour of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 163’s Advanced Technology Center.
The facility, a former Catholic elementary school, trains future electricians in seven Northeast Pennsylvania counties as part of a five-year apprenticeship program.
With electric power being relied on more in all aspects of life, from home heating to automobiles, the workers who pass though the Nanticoke facility will be vital to the country’s growth, the senator said.
“We have to have the skilled workforce to do that, not only
Lowe’s hiring 70 for new facility in Newport Twp.
NEWPORT TWP. — Lowe’s has announced that it is expanding its distribution network with a new 1.2 million square foot coastal holding facility in the South Valley area of Luzerne County.
According to a Lowe’s spokesperson, the facility is expected to open in the spring of 2023 at 209 Dziak Drive, Nanticoke. The facility will actually sit mostly in Newport Township, but the site will include parts of Nanticoke City and Hanover Township.
“The 1.2 million-square-foot facility will receive imported goods to supply regional distribution facilities,” the Lowe’s spokesperson said. “This location will provide approximately 70 jobs, including hourly and management opportunities.”
Information can be found online at https://talent.lowes.com/.
The spokesperson said that in August 2020, Lowe’s announced its distribution network expansion is part of an ongoing investment in Lowe’s supply chain.
In October 2021, NorthPoint Development joined a host of state, county and local government and school district officials for a groundbreaking on the site spanning Newport Township, Nanticoke and Hanover Township for buildings 8 and 9 in NorthPoint’s Tradeport 164 package of properties.
Based on its own data NorthPoint took a calculated risk of nearly $1 billion in private investment to build in the county. The region has benefited in terms of annual tax revenues, nearly $1.1 million from the new buildings, and upwards of 6,000 jobs, including more than 1,700 once the new projects are complete.
Then-State Sen. John Yudichak said NorthPoint worked with local labor and “kept their promises on the (Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance program), striking fair deals, making sure that taxpayers get money upfront.”
The prospect of the more than 1 million square foot warehouse thrilled Newport Township Manager Joe Hillan.
“It’s great news for Newport Township and, well, the whole South Valley,” Hillan said. “For us, we haven’t seen anything like this since probably the 80s, when they transformed the Retreat State Hospital to a state prison, which is now closed. So now this is like a rebirth for the township.”
Hillan said the Lowe’s facility will be housed in the largest building in the township’s history.
“We hope local people will apply,” Hillan said.
Massive warehouse at Hanover Twp., Nanticoke border gets initial approval
Bob Kalinowski – Citizens Voice
NANTICOKE — Amy Harris is already frustrated with the most recent distribution warehouse to open in Hanover Twp. near her home in the Hanover section of Nanticoke, a Safelite AutoGlass facility along Dziak Drive.
Now, she’s concerned about another proposed warehouse to be built even closer to her home on Front Street — the border between the densely residential Hanover section of Nanticoke and mostly undeveloped vacant land of Hanover Twp.
“They are building another one? You got to be kidding me,” Harris, 64, said Wednesday while walking down Front Street. “I’m trying to get used to that one. It makes it noisy around here.”
NorthPoint Development, the Missouri-based developer that has built a series of distribution warehouses in the South Valley in recent years, is now proposing a new 1 million square foot facility in Hanover Twp. bordering the Hanover section of Nanticoke.
Hanover Twp.’s Planning Commission on Tuesday gave preliminary conditional approval for NorthPoint Development to build the distribution warehouse on 103 acres of former mine-scarred land along Front Street that is currently owned by Earth Conservancy.
The facility would be built behind a recreation park and storage facility along Front Street on land that is zoned mixed use, which doesn’t require any special zoning requests for distribution warehouses, Hanover Twp. Code Enforcement Officer Mark Bienias said.
Another hearing before municipal officials will be necessary before the proposed warehouse is given final approval, Bienias said.
The warehouse, which would have 207 trailer spaces and 608 parking stalls, would be accessible off Dziak Drive, which leads to the building housing Safelite.
A possible tenant for the proposed warehouse was not immediately identified.
Efforts to reach officials with NorthPoint were not successful.
NorthPoint previously built buildings in the South Valley on speculation and landed tenants, including Adidas, Chewy, Patagonia, Spreetail, Thrive Market and True Value.
NorthPoint also is planning a 1.2 million square foot warehouse in Newport Twp., but also has yet to identify a tenant.
All of the properties are along or close to the $90 million South Valley Parkway. State officials said that the public project directly resulted in $1 billion in private investment and 8,000 new jobs.
Former Nanticoke mayor John Bushko, 78, who lives on Front Street across from the proposed facility, said the warehouses are both positive and negative since they create jobs, but also increase traffic. Hanover Twp. will benefit from the property taxes, while Nanticoke residents will be burdened with traffic since the only way to get to the proposed warehouse is through Nanticoke, he said.
“They are going to get all the money and we get the traffic,” Bushko said.
Joni Pysher, 57, of Newport Twp., said she owns eight rental units along Front Street, so the more workers attracted to the neighborhood is better for her financially.
“I want the rents to go up,” Pysher said.
Nanticoke Councilman Joe Nalepa, who lives in the Hanover section of Nanticoke, said he doesn’t mind the warehouse construction.
“I think progress is good. It’s all reclaimed land that was for the most part unusable. I understand the plights and complaints of the residents, but I really haven’t heard many of them,” Nalepa said. “As long as there is a long-term plan to regulate truck traffic, I have no problems.”